My Pterinochilus murinus Tang molted last week. But she's such a chicken! i'm sorely disappointed. She's anything but a little orange demon much feared by the Petshop owners I bought her from.
ive held the mean ones before with the simple easy method:
just let it climb up the cage side onto your hand.
obviously if its not in the mood, then you gotta respect that.
but in my opinion, i find its the best method to wrangle a nasty T. I find it better than the pin, or hand-in-cage method. Everyone's got their own ways though...
yes, i've gotta transfer this guy into a new cage, and ill just use my hand if he's up for it.
general disclaimers apply of course.
there's always a chance of getting tagged... you know the drill.
if not, i'll use a deli cup.
i'll post more pics though.
S/he's gotta harden up though.
crazy stridulating though
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