Here is the question:
What in your opinion would be the best choice for a first Old World Tarantula?
Now I know we have all read the First OW thread in the beginner's section, but that thread is now about 3 years old, and it seems that opinions have shifted. I can remember reading threads about Pokies from back then and alot of people seemed pretty scared of them, and it seems like that attitude has since changed. We have also seen many new experts on OW T's emerge in the hobby since then, also some of the people who posted back then now have even more experience, and I think it would be nice to see everyone's take on the subject today. Hopefully I am not breaking any rules by posting this...but I think enough has changed to make this a valid thread.
What in your opinion would be the best choice for a first Old World Tarantula?
Now I know we have all read the First OW thread in the beginner's section, but that thread is now about 3 years old, and it seems that opinions have shifted. I can remember reading threads about Pokies from back then and alot of people seemed pretty scared of them, and it seems like that attitude has since changed. We have also seen many new experts on OW T's emerge in the hobby since then, also some of the people who posted back then now have even more experience, and I think it would be nice to see everyone's take on the subject today. Hopefully I am not breaking any rules by posting this...but I think enough has changed to make this a valid thread.