:? my significant other and i were having a heated discussion if you can over feed slings we have a 1/2" phormictopus cancerides (haitian brown) that just loves to eat any help would be greatly appreciated
thanks again
Kyle & Patty
Techinically speaking, no. A sling or any sized T will never eat until it ruptures or is otherwise drastically harmed.
You can always feed larger individuals to the point of "obesity" but this is less of a risk with slings. For them the biggest effect of heavy feeding is somewhat increased growth rates.
To answer your question, I don't think you can really over feed a sling. They will stop eating once they have had enough. For a sling, the more you feed it, the faster it will grow.
But for me, I normally keep an eye on their abdomens and once they are nice and fat, I hold off for a few days before tossing in another cricket.
i didnt think so we bought some fruitfly cultures to feed the slings with and the sling will eat when ever she gets something within grabbing distance it is so much fun to watch in its vile just grabbing fruitflys as fast as she can
thanks for the info
Kyle & Patty
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