Feast and Famine – More or Less


Old Timer
May 11, 2003
I looked in on my 4” curly a few minutes ago and saw that she was on her back giving me the 8 handed salute. Should have a new blonde in the house tonight.

And my little L. Parahybana micro sling molted early this morning. Not a bad day at all.

If only I could coax my little .5” G. Pulchra to molt. I got him from Art at Midwest Exotic over two months ago and as of today he’s still . . . well a nice little .5” sling - while the rest of my slings have been molting every 30 to 40 days like clockwork. I know these guys are slow growers but jeez. Anyone else out there with Pulchra slings? What kind of molt cycle have you been seeing at the half inch mark?


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Oh man... I wish I'd known more about G. pulchra when I decided to sell mine a couple years ago when I needed some money... I'd have beaten myself silly for even thinking of it!!:mad:

I was hoping to get another, only a sling and grow it. The one I had was a good 5"+!! :8o Maybe I'll hold off until I can afford a larger one and make it a seperate order... Awsome T though, I really miss having one!