Got to be honest today I got my first 5 Sicarius thomisoides ( six eyed sand spider ) slings, been after these for a while but so hard to come across in UK, just wondering anyone else keep these crazy spiders.
Gonna have to agree with viper on this one. There’s something special about perceived by such a tiny creature. Watching jumpers hunt is so much fun as well.
Heteropoda, the dragsters... blazing speed, lousy steering and often, faulty brakes.
Micrathena, proof aliens have visited.
Agelenids. Fond memories. Foggy mornings, the neat hedges, the landscape artists had been busy overnight. Fairy's tablecloths heavy with dew everywhere.
Lnyx, teleportation experts that have done away with the laws of physics and gravity.
Orb weavers in general, professors of circular geometry. Several flamboyantly dressed for their classes.
Long jaws. Lots of folks can make nice webs. Class is making those webs over ponds, lakes, streams, rivers...
Pholcids, gregarious stoics. Life in slums isn't so bad with lots of neighbors.
I like all spiders, but of the ones found locally, I have a particular soft spot for golden silk orbweavers (Trichonephila clavipes) and southern house spiders (Kukulcania hibernalis).
Newbie on question with mating for golden silk spider. Live in NC and female has been on web for sometime in June and July. Smaller male has shown up the past week but she disappeared a few days ago but the male continues to stay on web by himself. Where has she gone and why does the male continue to stay with no female there? Appreciate any info-had not seen any info similar to this situation in my research. Thanks for the help!
Dolophones because they have insanely specialized camouflage.
Anything in the family Thomisidae (Crab Spider's), also really cool camouflage and there is something about the way crab spiders legs are oriented that makes me chuckle.
Salticidae (jumpers) they can see better than humans, their eye structures blow my mind. Probably some of the most personable spiders around.
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