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Hey guys!!!! Sometimes, when we want to learn stuff, we have to go... BACK TO THE SOURCES
!!!! Since in the hobby, we're dealing with latin names, i think it would be nice if we could actually make some kind of a little dictionnary for centipedes.
Some of the words in the latin names are kind of obvious as for what they mean, like whenever they represent countries, zones or the name of their finder, but some other times, they are not that easy. Let's put our knowledge together to learn the caracteristics of our centipedes
Let's start... Some of these guys are pretty easy :
Poly : Many
Morpha : Shape
so Polymorpha means '' Many shapes ''
Here are some more :
Gigantea : Giant
Robusta : Robust
Alternans : Alterning
Cephalus : Head
Viridis : Green
Sub: Under
Tri : Three
Here are some that designate their distribution range:
Galapagoensis : Galapagos
Chilensis : Chile
Arizonensis : Arizona
Japonica : Japonica
Here are some challenging ones:
Hemi :
Ethmo :
Scolo :
Oto :
Geo : Stone
Stigmus :
Heros :
Cormo :
Scuti :
Come on, help me out, let's find out the meaning of all these names
Some of the words in the latin names are kind of obvious as for what they mean, like whenever they represent countries, zones or the name of their finder, but some other times, they are not that easy. Let's put our knowledge together to learn the caracteristics of our centipedes
Let's start... Some of these guys are pretty easy :
Poly : Many
Morpha : Shape
so Polymorpha means '' Many shapes ''
Here are some more :
Gigantea : Giant
Robusta : Robust
Alternans : Alterning
Cephalus : Head
Viridis : Green
Sub: Under
Tri : Three
Here are some that designate their distribution range:
Galapagoensis : Galapagos
Chilensis : Chile
Arizonensis : Arizona
Japonica : Japonica
Here are some challenging ones:
Hemi :
Ethmo :
Scolo :
Oto :
Geo : Stone
Stigmus :
Heros :
Cormo :
Scuti :
Come on, help me out, let's find out the meaning of all these names