Enabler Thread


Apr 2, 2018
Ok, so I have some decisions to make and need AB to talk some sense into me, or enable me to get all the spoods possible.
I'm pretty sure I have a small male G rosea. I really want a female (obviously). The expo booth I got him(?) from has their store somewhat nearby. Do I go pick out what I truly think to be a female? The price has gone up and is the most expensive I've seen rosea go for at this size.... BUT I get to pick my own as opposed to having a random one shipped to me for cheaper. OR, do I just cool my jets and enjoy the one I have? Not even sure if it's a male, just a guess based off information given (that does seem factual).
The only pic I have of the underbelly. No one needs to guess as this isn't a sexing thread. Just posting it for reference.

So do I try to get another for a pretty steep price? If I do get another, and it does happen to be female, it would end up being a decent price for one and definitely worth more as it grows should I need to sell. Which is not likely going to happen.
Or... do I get a cute G porteri from an online vendor for cheap and possibly a freebie tossed in? Wait for the next expo in a few weeks? Maybe just chill a bit and enjoy the spiders I currently have?

Feel free to use this thread for any and all decision making as well!! Let's help each other out.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2018
my opinion:

not sure thats a male, but lets say it is, just grow it up and in ~10 years pair him up with a female of someone you know, to potentially get a bunch of slings you helped come into existence

just recently i discovered that my much larger suspect 1.0 G. rosea was a female after all...

nothings set in stone, so i'd say enjoy whatever you have got and go for a G. pulchripes at the next expo

honestly though, if prices were as stupidly expensive here in europe as they are in the US i am not sure i'd have any spiders at all

i think the most i was ever willing to spend
on a single spider was 20€ and that was a P. metallica

if you find a steal for a species you really like at some venue sometime during those 10 years, G. rosea or not, sure go ahead and buy it

i usually only buy tiny unsexed ones though, to get proper 50/50 odds, buy two or three at once and your chances are pretty good to have both sexes for the same price as a larger sexed one
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Apr 2, 2018
Thank you for your insight!

I like how you say in 10 years haha. They are slow growing and that is a long time to enjoy a beautiful T while raising it up.

Yes, prices here are nuts. I paid $100 for this one and the same shop is now asking $150. The only perk though is that I get to pick the specific T I want out of the group. Otherwise I can find them for $65 online. Deal hunting over gender hunting does sound a bit more fun!

I may just chill till next expo. Also have 3 slings coming to me on the 3rd that I can fuss over in the meantime 🙂

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Food for thought....males of the species arent short lived, flash in the pan males like many other species, in fact the male (if it indeed is a male) will outlive many females of other species......so I would say just go with what you have for the next decade or two....this isnt a species where you are at the kind of disadvantage you might be with some other faster growing species.


Apr 2, 2018
Such a good point. Ok, I'm convinced to wait. Glad I made this thread!


Active Member
Sep 4, 2017
no idea of the sex i will say this though if that vendor is driving distance from you and is ok with walk in purchases. what are you waiting for? get over there and start browsing what they have for sale. you might find all kinds of stuff to buy:rofl:along with spending more than you planned to but you will get to walk out with your ts in hand with no waiting for the mail


Apr 2, 2018
Sometimes online purchases are better!

Local vendor has a T I want, but browsed online just to compare. For $13 more, I get the same T plus a freebie and it's shipped a lot closer to me than the local person is (Houston is massive lol).
The main reason I was contemplating going to *this* local vendor is to chance getting a female rosea. His stock is online, so there's no mystery of what he might have 😕


Jun 3, 2023
I would wait. If there's a sale with great prices you can always grab another. They almost always go on sale at some point, I get tiny slings but I've also never paid more than about $50. I've had a few I thought sure were males at a small size that showed female when they got a bit larger.


Jun 21, 2023
When I saw this thread I thought it was time to post all our lists and get enabled into emptying our wallets.

How disappointed I was to find out it wasn't.

As for your rosea... nothing is set in stone yet. Plenty of suspected males end up molting into females. Confirm with a molt before you plan contingencies. Also, sling production is annual so inventory will be at a high and a low during the year. If the rosea near you now is too expensive, just wait for another one to rotate into availability.

The males live longer than 2-3 years so you'll have plenty of time to find a breeding loan (for more slings) or buy a female to attempt breeding.

Just remember when breeding to keep Porteri, Rosea, and Rosea RCF genetically separated.

I'm looking at an RCF from a local breeder right now, 0.5" for $89. I'm just gonna pass until I find one for $50-60.

No need to bite the bullet, just let the impulse pass. Or satisfy it with another interest. I've been getting back into plant collecting, and building shopping lists of things I might get eventually is good enough for me.


Apr 2, 2018
I mean, the idea was to have everyone tell me DO it!
But then so many started to make sense on the 'wait and see' point of view. My hands are now tied.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
I mean, the idea was to have everyone tell me DO it!
But then so many started to make sense on the 'wait and see' point of view. My hands are now tied.
go for it ! Maybe find a better deal though.
If I had a job I’d definitely sneak in more Ts. I lost my rosea to a stuck molt and my second one died 4 years ago. So I’m down to 0.


Aug 10, 2023
A part of me wants to tell you to cool off a little and focus on improving enclosures/saving up.

Another part says that you are a good spider keeper and should reward yourself (and your T) with a new purchase since it brings you joy.

If we are posting personal enabler stories, I kinda want to get 5-6 more whip spiders to start a breeding colony. I've started tutoring undergrads and highschoolers as a bit of extra income to feed my hobby, and an arachnid husbandry project with such a harmless species might be fun for them... I tell myself but mostly I just want a communal arachnid. Roaches or beetles would probably be a better class pet 😶

20€ and that was a P. metallica
I'm sorry WHAT!!!

I knew they were cheaper in Europe, but not this much cheaper!
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Apr 2, 2018
Whip spiders seem so cool, but still slightly creep me out. Lol I've been bouncing between do I eventually want to give breeding a chance or not mess with it? So, you should definitely breed them so I can live vicariously through you!


Active Member
Jul 1, 2018
A part of me wants to tell you to cool off a little and focus on improving enclosures/saving up.

Another part says that you are a good spider keeper and should reward yourself (and your T) with a new purchase since it brings you joy.

If we are posting personal enabler stories, I kinda want to get 5-6 more whip spiders to start a breeding colony. I've started tutoring undergrads and highschoolers as a bit of extra income to feed my hobby, and an arachnid husbandry project with such a harmless species might be fun for them... I tell myself but mostly I just want a communal arachnid. Roaches or beetles would probably be a better class pet 😶

I'm sorry WHAT!!!

I knew they were cheaper in Europe, but not this much cheaper!
Not many Amblypygi can be kept communally but i can recommend E. bacillifer.

yup, the US is INSANE when it comes to prices, supply vs demand i guess.

@TLSizzle, i'd say take the opportunity if it comes

but don't spend exorbitant amounts of mony on a male or incubator!

its fun to try and exilarating to succeed, that should be its own reward, finding good homes for a few offspring and raising a few yourself is incredible too.

The frustrating part is when you expect to make money and drown in work & expenses instead... so just don't do that ^^

Tentacle Toast

Arachnosupporter +
Jul 6, 2016
If you've the cash & the space, buy it. Why talk yourself out of it? Not like you're going to be taking it with you, in the end...