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Egyptian Emerald Centipede, Scolopendra morsitans(?)


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
6:46 PM 7/26/2006
heh, a red legged emerald cent just chewed on me. i think they get more aggressive when they are thirsty and it is hot. it is like 96-97*F in my bug/bedroom now. when i opened this guy's cage it started to bite the top edge of it's container. this is what we experienced in the free handling end of the hobby call a "bad sign". so i was pretty sure if i tried to handle it that it would bite me. sure enough. it is interesting, when it is really hot the blue rings get bitey too. i've handled their particular fellow (my original Egyptian Emerald rubyleg morph) probably ~10 or so times. as i recall it's always been quick, but never bitey before. this individual is just shy of 4" (10cm) bodylength.

kinda savaged me. about 6-7 bites sll over my fingers, with about ~10+ seconds chew time in between them all.

initial venom pain negligible

6:51 PM 7/26/2006 pain increased to like 0.2 out of 5, and the pain grows much more noticeable if i apply pressure

7:33 PM 7/26/2006 pain has reduced to almost nothing (not that it ever got more than annoying anyways). i can't feel it, really, when i am not doing anything... even pushing on the bites barely raises any feeling

8:09 AM 7/27/2006 well, i'm at work, it's the next day, and i can type as well/fast as normal. i can definitely feel where i got bit but it just feels kind of weird, not painful at all... and only when i apply pressure.

as far as i can tell there was no systemic, lymphatic, or necrotic affects... not even any local swelling or reddening at any point that i saw

7:35 AM 7/28/2006 at around +36 hours i am almost postive the remaining sensations are from the mechanical damage as opposed to any venom effect

any new developments can be found here:


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
i was free handling and talkign about emeralds while my friend was videotaping me a few nights ago. the centipede was acting quite normal and uninterested in me (lots of antenna cleaning and sitting still)

all of a sudden it lanced me with its forciples... and then started eating my skin! i let this continue for a couple minutes but it started to get kind of uncomfortable so i stopped.

within 20 minutes i had extremely local redness and swelling, but i honestly can not tell if it was from the mechanical damage of being eaten or venom effect. the next day the local swelling, redness, and itching was gone and has not reappeared

if venom effect, it is the first time i can recall having ANY reaction to Egytpian Emeralds... from well over 50 bites