Adults of slow growing species like this can take weeks before they're ready to begin eating again...just be patient and offer food next week....there is no rush to get it a meal, it will begin eating in due time.On the 20th of December
i tried crickets and dubia roaches? Both live
would it eat if it was prekilled??
I will tryIt has not eaten in 3 years? You always find live feeders that need to be removed afterwards? For 3 years?
I would try a prekilled cricket and see if it disappears in a day, in not, then toss it.
Yes its the first molt, and it just moves away from the foodIs this the first molt in your care? Abdomen still looks pretty good sized after molt, I would make sure it has access to water and keep trying, maybe try a variety and see if it has a preference. Make sure live is heavily injured and try prekilled. How does it react to food in the enclosure?