HHHmmm, never realy thought about it.. I have over 70 different species and most are Aphonopelma, mainly due to their availability in the hobby. But, my favorte would run a close race between Chilobrachys, Chromatopelma, Megaphobema, and Brachypelma.
So far with my limited T experience I would have to say Psalmopeous and Avicularia...
There have also been a bunch of P.reduncus for sale lately...I currently have a 1" sling...well see how that goes. My irminia went from 1" to 5 1/4" in one year...fast growers!
i only have one spider, an avicularia avicularia...and i love it a lot...however...i love the haplopelmas....but i'm scared of them....so i am gonna get one...and be afraid of it...at night
I'm a huge fan of the Brachypelma. There is no other genus which combines good disposition, brilliant coloration, and a willingness to hang out in the open where you can appreciate them as much. You can get 2 out of 3 with many other genera, but Brachypelma has all 3 going for it.
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