who would have thought, moon crabs are really reptiles and possibly hermit crabs as well. to think this dealer has been holding this scientific gem a secret
General Description:
The Moon Crab does well in captivity and is tame, but it does require constant attention. Like most reptiles, Moon Crabs are Nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day and come out at night. These reptiles require a lot of heat and moisture and several homes(shells) throughout it's lifespan. Crabs are social creatures by nature and live longer, healthier lives when in the company of crabs of the same species.
General Description:
The Moon Crab does well in captivity and is tame, but it does require constant attention. Like most reptiles, Moon Crabs are Nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day and come out at night. These reptiles require a lot of heat and moisture and several homes(shells) throughout it's lifespan. Crabs are social creatures by nature and live longer, healthier lives when in the company of crabs of the same species.