Thanks for the news. My Holley slings have molted in the last week for the first time in my care. It is nice to know what to expect. I'd say with that kind of growth rate, I'd expect to transfer them to larger cages after the next molt... something to ponder. keeping your curlies in the deli cups Holley sent them in??
i am.....and was thinking the same thing...after the next moult (possibly end of Nov. beginning of Dec. if they moult like clockwork like MrT's curly) they will need larger enclosures....i think thats when i will use my babyfood jars...but the babyfood jars might only last a moult or two before they get too big for those....
also....have you noticed any increase in burrowing since the moult last week?....mine seem to be burrowing more and also more elaborately....
Yes, I've still got them in the deli cups. I'll probably move them to the beta cups that the pet stores use. I've got about 25 of them right now and can probably pick up a few more from a friend of mine at the pet store. As for the burrows, I've seen the same thing. All but a couple of them are pretty regularly in their burrows most of the time. As for how elaborate they make their burrows, I don't know if that is a factor of the T maturing or just the amount of time it's had to work on the burrows.
my little 'problem children' are molting...the 22 that I kept that had molting problems. 8 of them have been sucessful, some have lost legs, but that is preferable IMO to having to drag their exuvia around. 16 of them are in their burrows, with uneaten prey, so I'm assuming that they are going to molt too. Only one of them molted's still stuck, I performed surgery on the poor little thing, and killed it. I think it's dead anyway, I'm waiting till tomorrow to be sure. I feel like a murderess tonight
What the deal with their old skin sticking to them?
My little guy had some stuck to its abdomen, on top thankfully.
It came off, but I thought I was going to have to remove it myself.
And as you know, that can be deadly.
It did seal itself in its hide for a couple weeks before the molt. I should have misted more at this point I guess.
I,ll know better the next time. Live and learn..:?
Sorry about your loss Holley. You did what you could, so try not to feel so bad..
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