Critters revenge!

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I am going to sound really heartless here.
Our neighbor acquired two cats. One cat is reasonably acceptable, the other, utterly obnoxious. Watching it out in the yard, pointlessly and deliberately maiming the local fauna kept my blood at near boiling for months. When I found the mutilated bodies of two giant 'tookay' geckos I was very close to packing the cat up and dropping it off a few miles into the wilderness.

Well, it turns out that would have been the kind thing to do. I observed the little (expletive deleted) across the road, enjoying itself playing with something I couldn't quite see. The cat was having a ball, jumping about and taking playful swats at the poor victim.
Welllllll, the cobra reared up. It was a king and no baby either. He was righteously pissed off. But even then, it just swayed there, towering about twice the height of the cat. It wasn't until the cat thought it would try it's claws on this instant leafless stalk that the cobra struck.
The first thing that amazed me was the force. I have heard and spoke with several poeple who have been bit by cobras. One, as a child, suffered a broken arm from the force of the blow.
The cat went flying like it had been kicked, rolling half way across the road. It got up and ran. Through the yard and behind the neighbors house. It sat there for a moment, licking itself, then lay down. I went over to look and it was already dead.
So much for those detestable mammals that like to kill and maim for fun. No wonder we have so few feral cats around these parts. :cool:


Old Timer
Mar 2, 2006
You have king cobras hanging out across the street from you? :eek:
Might want to state where you live since I pictured suburbia. Wow.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2005
The neighbor ladies cat's have killed off our resident skinks and who knows what else. I'd like to see them find a copperhead.

Outside cats should have a bounty on their heads.


Old Timer
Mar 23, 2006
Bedlam said:
You have king cobras hanging out across the street from you? :eek:
Might want to state where you live since I pictured suburbia. Wow.
I second that request. Where do you live that they have cobra crossings?


Old Timer
Dec 20, 2005
I think it's funny that people who keep tarantulas get all up in arms about a predatory animal doing what predatory animals do. I'm sure you'd think it was ridiculous if someone wanted to kill your tarantula because it killed poor cute widdle crickets.

I don't agree with cats being kept outside and I feel sorry for the cat who had such an irresponsible owner, especially with such dangerous animals around.

I guess T keepers aren't so different from people who think all snakes are evil and should be killed but cute widdle bunny rabbits deserve to live.

BLS Blondi

Old Timer
Aug 4, 2005

...perhaps we can arrange that king cobra to find its way to the home of a certain news reporter.....

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
BLS Blondi said:
...perhaps we can arrange that king cobra to find its way to the home of a certain news reporter.....
What? What does this have to do with anything? :? Anyway, I agree that it's kind of dumb to hate a cat for being a cat (or a T for being a T, or a snake for being a snake)...but I'll gladly make fun of said cat for being dumb enough to tangle with a cobra! {D I have had four cats, myself, so cat lovers can go be quiet.

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Alissa said:
I think it's funny that people who keep tarantulas get all up in arms about a predatory animal doing what predatory animals do. I'm sure you'd think it was ridiculous if someone wanted to kill your tarantula because it killed poor cute widdle crickets.
Hmm. As a rule, my spider, if not hungry, will not kill. On the other hand, I've seen cats only show interest in prey until it stops moving, and then leave it to rot and move on in search of other sport.
I don't particularily dislike cats for their nature, though on the other hand, it doesn't exactly endear them to me either.
But comparing them to T's or snakes is like comparing the proverbial apples and oranges, IMO.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Sorry for the omission. I live in northern Thailand, between the rice fields and the jungles.
I have no use or appreciation for any creature which kills for 'fun' or 'sport', which that cat engaged in regularly. It deserved to become an ant feast.

I found this little fellow on the road near where I saw the cobra. It is a baby krait. While being extremely poisonous, these guys are also rather pathetic. They move very slow and love to amble about on warm roads in the evening.

Living next to the rice fields offers an interesting situation. Come rice time they flood the fields. Naturally all the critters head for higher ground, like a house. Anyway, the general plan is, when walking about the house at night, caution is advised. Upon entering the bathroom, take a small jar or glass with you. The scorpions that don't run from the light get imprisoned while you take care of business.

What is most interesting is many people from the modern western world consider me a fanatic (possibly demented) naturalist. But compare me to our rather average hilltribe neighbors. They have a gigantic red ants nest in the vine wrapped around their front porch. They also have a massive bee hive INSIDE their bedroom. The bees gaining ingress through a hole in the wall. Their attitude is rather typical: live and let live. Instead of controlling and ordering the environment around them they accomodate. Don't stand or sit on the ant trails and don't bang the wall near the bees. Honestly, the first world has a lot to learn about living with mother nature.
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Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
Cats are animals, it was just following its instinct, to hunt and kill. It's not the cats fault, the owner shouldnt have the cats loose, especially since you have cobras, dumb move there! You should tell the owner to keep the other cat in the house from now on!

I know you dont like to see dead geckos but im sure some people dont like to see mice eaten by snakes either (pets I mean), so many people kill snakes just because they dont like them, thats sort of what you sound like, you dont like the cat so it deserves to die. That attitude wont solve anything.

Let me tell you a little story. In my neighborhood are these bird lovers, with tons of bird feeders and houses. Well the neighbors cat came by and killed a few birds, so they decided to poison the cat. Well they failed to, but the owner found out and reported them, and guess who won, the cat owner.... if they did it again they would have to pay a heavy fine. Birds are wild, and cats are allowed to be outside and not on leashes (not dogs though), so if they kill a bird or in your case geckos, there is nothing illegal being done, thus, nothing Legal you can do to stop the cat, except talk to the owner asking her to keep the cat inside. Mention the cobras too, if she cares about her cat she will keep it inside for its safety.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
The whole thing with outdoor cats bothers me. I have cats, and they have never set foot outside. I don't have to worry about them slaughtering local wildlife, or becoming FOOD for local wildlife(coyotes and Great horned owls are both notorious cat-eaters, and both are found where I live), getting hit by cars, shot by people, poisoned, or catching some disease from other free-roaming cats. My dogs are actually more likely to go after wild animals and kill them just for fun, as will all canids, wild or domesticated, if they get a chance. In fact, MOST predators will kill for the apparent pleasure of killing, if there is an abundance of prey that cannot easily escape. Just ask any farmer who's ever had a fox or coyote get into the chicken house or sheep fold. Wild pods of Orcas have been filmed killing larger whales, and just leaving them to rot, not eating one ounce, simply because the other whales were easy pickings, and the beloved Bottlenosed Dolphins routinely kill smaller porpoises, "playing" with them, slapping them up out of the water with their tails, etc., much like a cat "plays" with a mouse, until the porpoise dies of shock and internal injuries. It's not just cats that do stuff like that. Unfortunately for cats, most cat owners really do not think much of their animals, and their whole attitude is often, "it's just a cat", when reminded of the awful things that can happen if they allow the cat to run loose. Most dog owners, if they know that there is an animal in the neighborhood that could pose a risk to their dog, will take precautions, like keeping the dog confined. At least in the cat bitten by a King Cobra, it met a very quick and relatively painless death, unlike if it had been mauled by a dog or contracted something like Feline peritonitis.


The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
A very valid point is raised regarding cats and other animals that seem to kill wantonly and without apparent need. Perhaps this is where homo sapien fits into the scheme of things? The thinking, rational, discerning mind which attempts to instill some degree of balance?

What I observe and attempt to strive towards is a degree of balance around my home and the local village. One obvious balance factor is the tremendous abundance of rats and mice as the rice fields are so conducive to them. So we end up with dozens of rodents around the home, mostly in the attic. One would think having cats around would be beneficial in keeping the balance. As it turns out, domesticated cats occasionally kill rats and mice, provided the prey is easy to catch. On the other hand, the giant geckos will go in and eat all the baby rodents in a nest. Thus they are the more beneficial predators.
All well and good there, but apparently, for a year or so, the local cats killed all the geckos and our attic was heavily infested with rats. Bacteria wise, a very unhealthy place to live.
The next link in the balance chain is if the rodent population isn't kept in check, the more heavyweight predators will make an appearance. Enter the cobra. Both predator and prey becomes prey.
I don't claim to be entirely magnanimous about all naturally occuring animals. (A jumping spider just leaped onto my keyboard. I imported hundreds of those guys into our house as they kill the hazardous spiders). I have a lot of mixed feelings about the kraits as example. While beautiful animals, their diet consists of other snakes as well as frogs and lizards which are benign and extremely beneficial, especially in mosquito country.
All in all, there is no perfect solution that I can see. But I can and do take exception to animals which are exceeding the natural boundaries. Domestic cats sometimes fall into that catagory. Once domesticated and pampered, they become lazy, do not clearly follow their natural instincts, and can become aberrations in the environment.


Old Timer
Mar 17, 2006
You live in Northern Thailand TheSnark ? That is quite amazing! I would love to visit there one day (not only to see creatures, but I live everything about asian countries :3) You have all these amazing creatures around your house.. all I got is ants.. squirrels.. and birds. :|


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
The main difference I see between the cats and dolphins, orcas, etc. is the fact that cats are not only introduced by man, but protected. It's considered inhumane to hunt them to thin the herds.Whereas carp can simply be left on the shore to further enhance the pleasant fishing experience.

Cats are a protected invasive species.

Something needs to be done.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
Yeah Trap, neuter/spay, and then release. It's a growing process all over the world. Alot of people today still dont believe in fixing their cats. By me we do the trap fix and release, and now the stray cat population has decreased.

It seems any wild animal not kept as a pet seems to be abused/killed by some person who hates that type of animal. I see kids all the time throw fish on the grass to die, its just immature/cruel behavior that needs to be corrected.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I try to do my best to avoid using the phrase 'invasive species'. However, on the evolutionary scale, domesticated cats are a complete aberration. They are placed near the top of the food chain but are protected so they have no natural enemies. They do not suffer from natural depopulation processes as a rule (disease and starvation). Scientifically it boils down to maintaining an animal in a 'bubble', fully protected, yet also permitting it to be a predator. Under those circumstances, the vast majority of prey of the domestic cat in the modern world are the few remaining benign or beneficial species.
I would also mention that domestic cats are not entirely harmless to their biped owners and protectors. They commonly carry the bacteria Pasturella Multiceda in their mouths which is often transferred to their claws when they groom themselves. Rapidly inflamed hot and painful bites and scratches from cats, commonly known as 'cat scratch fever', is usually the effect of that bacterium. If it is able to invade the body subcutenaceously it can cause severe cellulitus within a few hours.

As for living in Thailand goes, it is a paradise for the amatuer naturalist like myself. When I moved to the extreme rural life I had the opportunity to indulge in all the oddnesses that critter lovers revel in. I populated our house with hundreds of beneficial spiders as well as welcome and protect the occasional larger predator. To date a small cobra, a tree snake and two rat snakes have paid brief visits, along with several huge huntsman spiders.
When they were cleaning out a local canal a while ago I spent the day along side the backhoe taking a casual census. 4 snakes, centipedes, millipedes, a vast assortment of spiders, and dozens of insects. This within a mile of our house. Up in the hills I drive slowly along the dirt roads in the evening and often get to see a wandering tarantula or the giant black scorpion. I have seen several cobras about, often dashing madly across the road. The best so far was a very mature king lying on the side of the road. I was able to get my jeep within 10 feet of him. I estimated he was about 15 feet long with his body averaging thicker than my forearm for most of his length. Even if he wasn't poisonous, you wouldn't want to receive the typical downward butt of that chunky head with more than half it's body weight behind the blow.
The best comedy I saw was a smallish cobra, maybe a Siam, on the verge of the road. It had a couple of feet of front end raised up and was watching cars go by. Looking both ways before crossing the street?


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
Ryan Maguire said:
You live in Northern Thailand TheSnark ? That is quite amazing! I would love to visit there one day (not only to see creatures, but I live everything about asian countries :3) You have all these amazing creatures around your house.. all I got is ants.. squirrels.. and birds. :|
I dont even got squirrels:8o

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Speaking of which, we had the coolest visitor last night. It's the beginning of the rainy season here and we are up to our eyeballs in flying insects. Watching the TV in the evening you sit there with a 'bug bat' and spend half your time trying to wap things.
In the front door comes a flitting dark shape. It zoomed through the living room so fast it could only have been a bat so I sat back and watched. It laced through every room in the house repeatedly. Quite quickly there were obviously fewer airborne insects. After about five minutes there wasn't a flying bug to be seen and the bat casually zapped back out the front door.
It's aerial acrobatics in the enclosed area of the rooms was absolutely uncanny and mesmerizing.


Old Timer
Dec 20, 2005
I would love to be able to see the animals that you see on a daily basis.

BTW, I agree with you that feral cats and pet cats that are allowed to roam are a danger to themselves and to the wildlife in the area. It was really interesting to read about how the cats actually increase rodent population.

I would blame the owners before I would blame the cats. They don't have any more choice than any of the other animals in the area, IMHO.