Crested gecko cage!


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
Got a new olive male crested gecko today (thanks Roy!), and he is awesome. I went out and bought him a bunch of stuff for his new cage, its a temporary cage until i get the 29 gallon i have cleared out for him. However, i did decorate this cage like mad because i plan on housing juvies in it anyways later on.

Wanted to get some nice vine looking fake plants, but did not feel like shelling out too much cash, so i went to walmart and picked up some fake plants in the crafts section and went to town with a glue gun and some grapevine. Well, took me 2 hours and i finally have the cage where it is livable for him, and happy with the way it looks. I was worried at first about using fake plants from walmart, afraid they may have been sprayed with something, but was told they were not sprayed with anything, and even read on the internet where it said to go to local arts and crafts store to pick up fake plants. If anyone knows any reason 'not' to use them, LMK so i can take them out ASAP and get something else!

Anyway, here is a shot of the cage. I still have some stuff i want to do to it, like put in plexiglass at the bottom so the substrate does not keep falling out. I will post some pics of 'Geico' tommorrow when he is less stressed. For now, i will just let him settle into his new home :).



Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Looks good man! :clap: I use fake plants in all mine and they are just fine. Clean off easy too.