I've been trying to mate my red phase G. rosea for over two months now. He can't seem to put two and two together, so I have'nt had any luck breeding him yet.
Yesterday or the day before I put him in with my oldest rosea, with the thought, he breeds or dies. Well he's doing the same ol crap of hideing in the upper corner of the cage.
This morning I look in the enclosure to see how their doing and I see the female on her back getting ready to molt. So I removed him from her cage and I'm waiting for her to molt out.
I hate to think of what would have happened if I had gone to work or had been gone all day. On the other hand, he's been such a wimp this whole time he might not have even noticed her molting.
With the strange actions of the G. rosea, its hard to know what their doing. You know what I mean? Its in pre-molt. Well, maybe its just not eatting. Its eatting now, so its not in pre-molt. Then two days later its on its back molting.
I guess the lesson is: Don't leave the male in the enclosure without watching, cause with this species you never know what will happen next.:?
BTW, I have this guy with no breedable females. Anyone need a male?
Here's the girl on her back.
Yesterday or the day before I put him in with my oldest rosea, with the thought, he breeds or dies. Well he's doing the same ol crap of hideing in the upper corner of the cage.
This morning I look in the enclosure to see how their doing and I see the female on her back getting ready to molt. So I removed him from her cage and I'm waiting for her to molt out.
I hate to think of what would have happened if I had gone to work or had been gone all day. On the other hand, he's been such a wimp this whole time he might not have even noticed her molting.
With the strange actions of the G. rosea, its hard to know what their doing. You know what I mean? Its in pre-molt. Well, maybe its just not eatting. Its eatting now, so its not in pre-molt. Then two days later its on its back molting.
I guess the lesson is: Don't leave the male in the enclosure without watching, cause with this species you never know what will happen next.:?
BTW, I have this guy with no breedable females. Anyone need a male?
Here's the girl on her back.
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