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Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2003
Here is my bite report:

I was feeding my spiders, wearing thin craft gloves because I hate the touch of crickets. As I went to feed Fawlks, my 3.5 inch C. cyaneopubescens, I dropped the cricket in the cage. Suddenly he jumped on my hand and I was startled. I must have moved too fast and he grabbed my finger through the glove. I feel bad about what happened next because I accidently shook him off my hand. :8o Mom and Dad tried and look at my finger but I was screaming because I was afraid that I'd killed Fawlks.

I had two white bumps on my finger. They hurt just a little tiny bit. Mom did not even think about taking a picture. She was nervous but I was fine. I think Fawlks was just trying to keep from falling, so it was a dry bite.

I held Fawlks the next day (without the gloves) and everything was fine.


Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
C. cyaneopubescens bite

A few weeks ago, I was refilling Mirage's (my likely male 3" GBB) water dish, and I'm not sure how, but something spooked him and he skittered up the side of the enclosure and out onto my hand. I froze, and did my best not to startle him further, but before I knew it, he'd sunk his fangs into the side of my thumb. I managed to get him back in without hurting either of us; and then inspected the bite.

It was small, like a pinprick; and turned pretty red after a few minutes. My thumb swelled to about 1 1/2 times normal size, and after a few hours, the pain kicked in. It was a throbbing pressure in my thumb that radiated up my arm; really unpleasant. It was especially sensitive to touch.

The next morning, the pain had significantly decreased, and turned into more of a pins-and-needles sensation that only really hurt when I touched the bite area.

After a few more hours, the pain was gone entirely.

Now, I'm a lot more careful with him; since he seems especially skittish. :wall:


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2010
Just a little pin prick

I got bit by my 1.5" GBB while i was manually removing mites from it. It got me with both fangs on the end of my pointer finger on my finger print area. It felt like a little pin prick after a couple minutes. It was a little sensitive but nothing painful. Poor little guy was stressed out. But its something i had to do for him. Litteraly covered in the parasites. Wont be the end theres a few other small Ts i have to manually clean because they are litteraly covered in mites. :mad: I hate them!!!