Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens Breeding Thread


Jan 28, 2016
Well, I have been feeding up both my MM and female since they molted out. Both are pretty plump and so I decided to try pairing them.

Early this morning, I opened both enclosures on the floor. I used a folded piece of cardboard to make a double ramp and bridge between the enclosures. I walked the MM up to the top and left him to it. He worked his way to her hide and she was edging up to the opening. Everything looked great.. till she came out like she was on FIRE at him. My dude, being quick and agile, skittered away before she got him.

I couldn't tell if she was trying to eat him, if she wanted him to leave or if she was just over eager. They are both safe back in their enclosures.

If anyone would like to share how they paired their GBBs I'd like to hear them.

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Staff member
Feb 22, 2013
I've never had good luck pairing anything in the morning. After 9PM is when magic happens for me. For my feisty females, I've found that putting them in a neutral enclosure for a day or two before pairing reduces their aggression towards the male. You don't want the female to only be in the neutral enclosure for a few hours - you want her to lay down some webbing and get those pheromones going otherwise the male will never tap. Lastly, don't feed her in the neutral enclosure. This is just my speculation, but you don't want her turning a house into a home. The entire point is to prevent her from feeling safe at home.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.


Oct 14, 2016
I haven't been successful yet but I'll give you my observstions so far since I'm doing the same thing.

After 4 pairings my MM C cyaneopubescens only drummed once. It was the time that I paired them immediately after he finished a sperm web. I don't know if it is a coincidence or not and she chased him away anyways. Haven't seen the female drum at all.

She is 4.5" and molted in Feb. I was wondering if she is maybe not mature although her ridge was darkened with the last molt. How big is your female? Just curious.

After no luck with female #1 I tried him with my other female thats 5.5-6". No drumming with her either. She is due for a molt anyways though.

So basically I'm in the same boat as you currently. Hope you have better luck than me!


All of my pairings were during the day as well. I bought a red light bulb for my lamp so I can try at night.


Jan 28, 2016
I've never had good luck pairing anything in the morning.
Yeah, this was about 5ish and I thought maybe it was early enough.

For my feisty females, I've found that putting them in a neutral enclosure for a day or two before pairing reduces their aggression towards the male. You don't want the female to only be in the neutral enclosure for a few hours - you want her to lay down some webbing and get those pheromones going otherwise the male will never tap. Lastly, don't feed her in the neutral enclosure. This is just my speculation, but you don't want her turning a house into a home. The entire point is to prevent her from feeling safe at home.
I'm going to give this a shot. I've move her to a much larger enclosures with nothing but dirt and a water dish. I'll lever her in there for a day or two and see how things go. If nothing else I'll give dude more room to dodge.

I haven't been successful yet but I'll give you my observstions so far since I'm doing the same thing.

After 4 pairings my MM C cyaneopubescens only drummed once. It was the time that I paired them immediately after he finished a sperm web. I don't know if it is a coincidence or not and she chased him away anyways. Haven't seen the female drum at all.

She is 4.5" and molted in Feb. I was wondering if she is maybe not mature although her ridge was darkened with the last molt. How big is your female? Just curious.

After no luck with female #1 I tried him with my other female thats 5.5-6". No drumming with her either. She is due for a molt anyways though.

So basically I'm in the same boat as you currently. Hope you have better luck than me!


All of my pairings were during the day as well. I bought a red light bulb for my lamp so I can try at night.
Well he didn't drum like the poec pair I did but he was doing a bouncy foot thing as he was going in. She has always been a bit feisty regularly jumping at my tongs when I was taking out un eaten prey. I'm hoping the neutral enclosure might help since she wont have a funnel of death for dude. It'll help me be able to get in there better if there is an issue.

Hey @Austin S. I know you've paired these before. Help a brother out. :D


Oct 14, 2016
Yes after some youtube researched I figured out that the gbb drum is not like other Ts. They kind of lift their legs in the air and flick them back and forth. It doesn't even seem to make an audible noise like you see others do.

Funnel of death you say? IMG_5038.JPG

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
My experiences pairing GBB is....booooorrrriiiinnnngggg!!

ive paired many times and had virtually nothing...last pairing i watched them for over 3 hours....ive never seen the male tap, ive seen the female tap briefly twice....heck, im glad i have ab to keep me occupied, im actually pariring GBBs as i type...whole lot more of nothing....i feel like pinch grabbing both and manually really.:)


Oct 6, 2016
Has anyone heard of artificially inseminating? There was a thread on here awhile back when one guy did it successfully.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Has anyone heard of artificially inseminating? There was a thread on here awhile back when one guy did it successfully.

on a positive...the male is inching closer and closer...he was even tapping for a mentioned, its not the usual loud drawn out tapping you see with many other species.



Oct 6, 2016

on a positive...the male is inching closer and closer...he was even tapping for a mentioned, its not the usual loud drawn out tapping you see with many other species.
Alright, here it is. He didn't rip of the palps or anything, the male was already dead.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Well thats it for tonight, he literally turned around and walked back home..:(



Jan 28, 2016
My experiences pairing GBB is....booooorrrriiiinnnngggg!!

ive paired many times and had virtually nothing...last pairing i watched them for over 3 hours....ive never seen the male tap, ive seen the female tap briefly twice....heck, im glad i have ab to keep me occupied, im actually pariring GBBs as i type...whole lot more of nothing....i feel like pinch grabbing both and manually really.:)
Well thats it for tonight, he literally turned around and walked back home..:(
View attachment 238650
Thanks for the break down of your pairing attempt. It was helpful to see how it went.

Mine went about the same way till she came rushing out and he had to flee.


Oct 14, 2016
Last night I decided to leave my male in overnight since the previous attempts yeilded nothing. He survived. I don't know if thats good or bad. When I woke up the female was webbing her butt off. She a gbb so I'm trying not to read too much into it since they like to eb a lot anyways.

Not sure this helps any, just adding more of my observations.

Any updates @Trenor?


Jan 28, 2016
Not yet. I moved her to the temp enclosure and I wanted to give her a day or so before trying again.

I plan on trying tomorrow night and see how it goes.


May 9, 2016
This was probably the wrong way to go with mine but i'll report how it went.
8 weeks post most for both of them. Both well fed.
Female was in her hide.
Introduce male about 6pm
Watched them for an hour and they were still
Male drummed some. So did female. Nothing major.
Just checked on them every 20 minutes or so for the rest of the night.
Cohabbed for the night.
Checked on them in the morning, she still was hiding and he was on opposite side from her.
Left him on and went to work.
Came home at noon, they were face to face and drumming.
Saw him lift her up a few times but no insertion.
She was really receptive.
Went back to work and came home at 6.
They were on opposite sides and he was missing one palp which she was munching.

Took him out and waited for another sperm web

Tried again, she was not as receptive and he wasn't hot on going in. It felt wrong and I forced it and she got him.
If it doesn't feel right try later haha.

Still don't know if he got an insertion. It's been 2 months with no sac but she has webbed a ton recently and won't really eat.