Well, a few threads back everybody was wondering what the fastest spider was...I would have to toss my vote in for the pokies! I was transferring a one inch P.ornata sling from her travel vial to her new home when she got loose on me and bolted for freedom..I have never seen a sling move so fast.It was like she was teleporting all over my bedroom! and then she took a flying leap ( ! ) thru the air and landed on my bed where I finally pounced on her and got her into her new home.When I was finally thru dealing with this little bugger there was dirt flung all over my room and stuff knocked all over in my mad dash to recapture her...and I was shaking and sweating and swearing...nothing like having a battle of wits and nerves with an inch long bug I hate dealing with slings....=D
A friend at Chucks Reptiles and Aquarium had some flordia Tws he showed me ( I passed on buying them and I am still kicking myself) talk about teleporting ... the speed (though they walk sideways) was unbeleiveable...
same thing happened to me when I got the regalis and fasciata slings! The fasciata was actually quite calm, but the regalis lept off my hand onto the rug, and ran away across the living room. I put my hand out, she jumped on it, then jumped to my other hand, about to make another mad dash for freedom. I had the presence of mind to hold the vial in front of her, and she leapt in there instead! What a rush!
i guess it is really fast, i am surprised with the hot venom of this specie it didn't bite you guys! And my B.smithi scared me when i opened the deli cup by running out, and i thought that was skittish! Wonder how it feels to run after a poky!
I have had numerous spider get away from me while I was working at the old PetCenterUSA and here at home but those slings are absolutely the worst to chase! it is because they are so darn small and when you chase them you still have to be careful not to squish them or something in your mad rush to head them off at the pass...and this pokie that got away from me the other nite was amazing...she actually leapt thru the air like a flying squirrel or something and landed and then turbocharged across my bed....it is a miracle that I was able to catch her...the arboreal tarantulas must be much more "sturdy" and able to take the shock of flying thru the air and landing - a terrestrial tarantula would no doubt rupture their abdomen or pedicel if they tried something like that...very interesting I think...gotta watch those crazy slings!!!!!!!:}
Spider Hunter
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