Changes in behavior


Nov 24, 2016
I got my suspect female juvie avic avic about mid December. She has always stayed in her log up until last week when I started messing with her enclosure and adding in more leaves for her to web in. Ever since Monday or Tuesday last week, she has emerged from her log and remains on the side of her enclosure near the leaves. Sometimes she faces down and sometimes she face up, but other than that, she hasn't moved from her spot. She hasn't webbed. She hasn't eaten in about 10 days. She has been a big eater in the past. The 1st week I had her, I fed her every day. Then I took it down to twice a week. Now she isn't eating at all.

So my questions are, how do I tell if her change in behavior is due to premolt (the change in eating part)? How often would a T her size (about 2.5") and species molt? Could she be feeling upset that I messed with her enclosure? Is being out of the log and into the leaves actually a good thing? How long without eating is normal for her size?

I just want to be sure that everything is okay with her. So if this is all normal, I guess I just need reassurance. If it's abnormal and anyone has suggestions, I'm here for all the help I can get.

Here's a pic of her current hangout.


Jan 12, 2016
Sounds like she's exploring her new habitat, and finding more spots instead of only the log to hang out on.
If you have been feeding her every day, she's probably full and has enough to last her to her next molt. At that size she may molt twice a year, depending on the temps and feeding.


Nov 24, 2016
Sounds like she's exploring her new habitat, and finding more spots instead of only the log to hang out on.
If you have been feeding her every day, she's probably full and has enough to last her to her next molt. At that size she may molt twice a year, depending on the temps and feeding.
I was hoping it was just her getting more comfortable with her enclosure. Also, I only fed her every day for the 1st week until I learned not to do that. Then I went to twice a week.


Jan 12, 2016
I was hoping it was just her getting more comfortable with her enclosure. Also, I only fed her every day for the 1st week until I learned not to do that. Then I went to twice a week.
She is only able to eat so much until full. And they don't use a lot of those calories for moving or metabolism, so when she has enough, she stops eating. :)

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
This is what happens when you feed a t too often...they get their fill and fast for extended periods of time.

Every day for a week....thats like 2 months worth of food in 7 could be fasting for a long time.