I believe nature always has a plan to best suport the survival of a given sp.(thatis until humans get involved then it all goes to @#$%)
I've noticed that some of the more prone to canabalism sp. tend to be the ones with the huge eggsacs and things like pokeysand avics seem to be smaller
Also with pokeys in the wild moisture may be a real factor since atleast half the year the share retreats because of the drought like conditions
basicaly I think canabalism is alowwed or practiced more readily in populations and sp. were it most helpful to that sp. i.e. survival of the fittest
And not in sp. were it would be detremental to the population meaning because of lower survival rates etc.
any way thats my therory
That's actually pretty close to my theory. I've noticed a lot more aggression in desert species, so I was thinking that maybe it had something to do with the availability of food in the spider's natural habitat. A male t would make a pretty hefty meal for his mate after breeding, supplying her with plenty of nutrients to create an eggsac.
After sex some people like to cuddle. Some people like to smoke a cigarette. Others like to roll over and fall asleep satisfied. Female spiders are just different. THey get hungry. It is convenient that they have a male right there beside them who is gonna die soon anyways.
And the tasty male nourishes the eggs. Sad, but true. Hes contributing to the next generation. His loss will be replaced by hundreds of little healthy, cute, slings !
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