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C. Fasciatum


Old Timer
Aug 11, 2003
I was gently trying to put the tarantula back ino its container when it ran up my hand and stopped just right after my wrist. I was not worried at all but then she reared up into the threat posture. I tried to slowly move my hand back into its container when suddenly she bit me 3 times. The last one was nasty because she sunk her fangs in deep then proceeded to wiggle them while they were deep in my skin. Finally i get the t back into its enclosure.

Nearly instantly i felt some pain in the bite area. About 5 minutes passed and it was like i felt the venom crawl up my arm. The area swelled up some and turned red. about 30 minutes later i feel hot and somewhat dizzy. Another 30 minutes pass and their is barely any pain except when the bite area is touched. Now my upper lip starts to tingle and it sometimes spreads throughout my face. All symptons and pain were gone about 30 minutes after i first felt my upper lip tingle.

The tarantula was nearly full grown btw. Wasnt too bad but i dotn wanna get bit again.