My C. fasciatum (about 3.75") has been acting strange the last couple of months. Even more restless and nervous than in the past year and not taking food.
Today I looked in the enclosure and noticed that one of his legs has fallen off. There is not enough space between the soil and the top of the enclosure for him to have been hanging. Nor do I have anything in there like rocks or sharp objects (just a plastic flower pot enclosure with no sharp or jagged edges).
I'm wondering what could have caused this. I'm also wondering if the leg will grow back if it ever reaches another moult.
Any advice or insight would be appreciated. Thank you.
Today I looked in the enclosure and noticed that one of his legs has fallen off. There is not enough space between the soil and the top of the enclosure for him to have been hanging. Nor do I have anything in there like rocks or sharp objects (just a plastic flower pot enclosure with no sharp or jagged edges).
I'm wondering what could have caused this. I'm also wondering if the leg will grow back if it ever reaches another moult.
Any advice or insight would be appreciated. Thank you.