I have around 15 adults left. They are in a 20 gallon aquarium with bark glued to the back wall, sand in the bottom and various pieces of slate/bark etc. as decoration.
Because i have always the problem that when i have two or more scorpion from one race together, that i have often casulaties exspecially when one scorpion molt and he is soft and without any defense. And so have every scorpion his one terrarium (exception P. imperator and Isometrus maculatus)
This problem was by Hadogenes bicolor, Androctonus mauretanicus. Parabuthus transvaalicus and !Heterometrus scaber!
And i dont no what i do wrong !
Have you any idea ??
I have had at least three casualties since I started. In all cases, I believe the cause was natural -- at least the caracases weren't consumed. I have seen fights, but they generaly do not look serious.
Some species are easier to keep communaly than others. Of all the ones you mentioned, I would only expect the Heterometrus to do well in communal conditions. That being said, I've lost two Heterometrus spinnifer over the years to canabalism. In the end, if you keep them in good conditions with plenty of hides and plenty to eat you can minimize the danger. Also, sticking with similarily sized scorpions and/or those from the same family group helps.
I will also admit that I have seperated one of my H.spinifer for a week when she moulted so as to prevent any problems.
The Heterometrus scaber were from the same familiy group and they had always grickets in the terrarium and many hides, but they were all in the same hide.
I think like you. That is the only way, to seperated the scorpions before they moulted.
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