hi. could someone please tell me what sort of setup these T's need eg. temp, humidity, depth of substrate, size of tank? i hope to get these soon. thanks,
I have both and can tell you how I've got them set-up, but I can't speak for ranges that they'll tolerate. I've got slings of both and keep them between 74 and 80 F. I keep the curlies substrate (peat) damp and keep the GBB's substrate (peat/potting soil) fairly dry. (My GBB is about 1" and the curlies are still under 1/2") I believe both species are fairly hardy and tolerant of varying conditions and Code Monkey has described the GBB as "bullet proof"... a testiment to it's abilities to withstand a variety of conditions. Sorry I can't be any more help.
C. cyaneopubescens need to have drier conditions than most spiders. We have a mature female we raised since she was 1/2 inch and were told that the spiderlings are sensitive to excessive humidity and to keep them on the dry side. We just have waterdish and rarely, if ever, mist. They are good eaters and they grow fast. Be prepared to see the most intricate web-tunnels you can imagine. Our Greenbottle can create a new web home very quickly. They also go through awesome color changes as they mature making them one of the coolest tarantulas to raise from spiderlings IMO.
I cannot tell you too much about the B. albopilosum because ours are still spiderlings. They do eat a lot and their rumps get pretty big. We recently moved ours into small petpals and have been wondering if their slow growth is related to the fact that they were kept in vials for so long. We got them at 1/4 inch just over a year ago and they are just now about an inch. Ours like to burrow fairly deep so we give them a lot of substrate.
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