We get huge green grass hoppers in my garden. Would like to breed them as they would be a great food for my bearded dragons. Anyone breed hoppers? My biggest prob is with them jumping out when you open the container, how can i overcome that?
What kind of container do you have them in? The easiest way to circumvent them jumping out is to get a container taller than they can get out of. Or you can get one of those screen setups that has a loose flap that you're hand will fit through for maintenance, but which they cannot get through. The breeding part is easy though, just get a mix of males and females and give them some deep soil (with sand) to lay eggs in and thats it! I dont know how much different australian hoppers are than the ones in america, but I imagine they are all pretty similar.
i just have a few in a tall plastic container just to see how fast they grow. I was thinking of using a cage with a rubber flap to stick my hand through, but how would i go about catching them, is there a easy trap i could whip up?
You'll find breeding grasshoppers takes a bit of skill and interest and more energy than your lizards. Try breeding lobster roaches, Nauphoeta cinerea. They sell those in Australia as 'specked giant glassy frog lizard feeder' roaches or something like that.
i breed lobster roaches but at the moment the colony need time to build up as i have been feeding to heavly, going to start a few more along with crickets but would like to give hoppers a try
Hi Lychas,
sorry for my bad english,
Orin says the truth :worship: ,
breeding grasshoppers is really interesting. they are not similar and easy.
only some pestspecies like Locusta migratoria or Schistocera gregaria are possible for food.
but these need also a lot time ,each day fresh food(fresh grass,no wet vegetables) ,cleaning ,several cages,special cages ,a lot time etc..
i breed several grasshoppers like Aularches,Zonocera ,S.couloniana,Proscopia ,these are quite simple only some tricks , but most other interesting species for example Phymateus,Dictyphorus spumans etc. are quite impossible to breed .until now i haven t heard of succesful breeds , i think a lot factors like climate changes,diapausis,rainperiods,dryperiods,temperatures,humidity,food etc. should make big problems for successful breed.the same for most other grasshopperspecies.
perhaps some fotos of your"green hoppers" can help?Caelifera or Ensifera. my first impression ,with green hoppers are Ensifera / Tettigonioidea ,these katydids for example are often predatory ,
best regards
i heard a while back that if you keep a lot of grass hoppers together in a small area it could trigger a swarm instinct. i think it has something to do with the hairs of there back legs getting rubbed like once every three seconds for a few hours. would be cool to see if you can make a mini swarm and use it to destroy all who oppose you, mwah hahaha (evil laugh number 31)
Now I used to breed locusts and it takes most people a few tries but really if you get the setup right there's no problem at all! I imagine it's the same with grasshoppers. Big bright tank with lots of food and somewhere to lay. S'all good.
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