black throat monitor


Old Timer
Jan 14, 2006
i have a black throat. what substrat should i use and how moist should i keep it. what should the hot and cool sides be. and i feed him every other day. first super supper cat food and then the occasional mouse. any suggestions would be great.

Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
first of stop feeding cat food to your monitor. it is mutch to fatty for them and can cause allot of probloms with obesity and liver/ kidneys and will over all shorten the life span of your monitor... a good healthy alternitave to cat food is ground turkey. make sure and supliment your ground turkey with one of the comertial vitomen suplements that is availible for reptiles. use two tea spoons of vitomen suplements per pound of ground turkey. while the monitor is young though make sure that insects are still a huge part of theyre diet. crickets, roaches, superworms, golith worms, snails, and once they are bigger crayfish are all good feeders.

instead of writing up a whole care sheet for you check out this site

it is a care sheet for savanna monitors and the care is ablsolutly identical but understand that your blackthroat will become much larger then a savana will so take that into consideration.