Best freebie you ever received?


Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006
To date, I've gotten 1 L. parahybana and 2 G. aureostriata. Of the three, my fav is the L. para, only because the first G. aureo freebie came with an order in which I purchased a G. aureostriata (confirmed female). The "confirmed female" later sexed male and so did the freebie, lol. I was going to contact the seller, but he was going out of business and then I received yet another G. aureostriata as a freebie from another dealer. I don't generally keep multiples of species, so running the first guy down for a FOURTH chaco didn't seem practical. Unfortunately, my 2 males are 6" and 3.5", and my newest freebie just molted to a whopping 1/2"! It may be a female, but my males will be long gone by then. :wall:

Sorry for the ramble. Long story short... L. parahybana! He's getting big and eats like a champ. :rolleyes:
With that order, I also got to choose the freebie from 3 species. G. rosea, G. aureostriata, and L. parahybana. It was nice to have the choice. I was still a beginner at that point and was afraid of getting anything random and crazy. Now surprises are fun, haha.
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Old Timer
Apr 3, 2006
I've got some free spider sent to me, Hybanas, Acanthoscurria antillensis, B. Albo.

But freebie from a deal...well, I guess it falls outta catagory a bit, but a Babycurus Jacksoni for sure. I LOVE that little beast. They were two, but one was pretty much DOA.


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2006
I've had many freebies....
P. lugardi
N. colloratovillosus
H. maculata
B. albopilosum
G. rosea
P. regalis
T. blondi
Yamia sp. "Koh Samui"
A. bicoloratum
and i won 3 DCF h. lividum in a competition on my main forum
Also, i have just been offered, and they're being sent to me tomorrow, a 3" L. parahybana and a freshly moulted P. murinus juvenile :D

Of the freebies i have, one h. mac, A. bicoloratum and the b.albop died :( The rest are still goin strong. Guess my fav is the T. blondi. Not long moulted and its an awesome little thing !! :D
I have some brilliant friends hehhee


Arachno search engine
Old Timer
Nov 15, 2003
I've received a bunch of freebies:

many Cyriocosmus elegans for free with orders...

One order I got: Female Phormictopus cancerides and one of an unknown species (which is one of the nicest spiders I own, and believed to be a Eupaluestrus weijenberghi), 5 P. murinus, 5 Avicularia avicularia and another sling I forget the species of.

I also usually give freebies whenever I sell anything, as I usually have extras of species sitting around here.


Old Timer
Apr 21, 2007
Ive got you all beat.. I spent a couple hundred on some Xenethis immanis slings and "my guy" threw in a

Avicularia sp. Amazonica

which later grew to be a sexed female that sold for over $400. Now that is what I call on hell of a freebie!
I hate you.{D {D

Are freebies usually given with mailorders, or can you get them when you buy from breeders/dealers too?

Sometimes I feel freebies arent techinically free since mailorder shipping is like $35 for guaranteed live delivery.


Old Timer
May 7, 2006
I hate you.{D {D

Are freebies usually given with mailorders, or can you get them when you buy from breeders/dealers too?

Sometimes I feel freebies arent techinically free since mailorder shipping is like $35 for guaranteed live delivery.
no need to pay over 20$ for overnight delivery with live guarantee, inless its a real big heavy order

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
I just remembered that I ordered a sub-adult male and female Phormictopus cancerides and when the package arrived I found an additional sub-adult male and female Phormictopus cancerides. It was a bargan to begin with anyway, I believe I got the first pair for 30 bucks. So 2 pairs of Phormictopus cancerides for 30. Both females were about 6" and both males were about 5".Talk about great freebies!

This was of course awhile ago, and no pair is longer with me due to being sold off.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
boy where do i start,ive gotten so many freebies,but the coolist hmm for ts it was a king baboon sling,scorpling was a.austrailus,baby mombo assassin bugs,just to name a few:D


Old Timer
Apr 16, 2007

My favorite freeby and there has been many (all from Next year reptiles)
Is a B.Vagan(Sierra) I recieved after purchasing a G.Rosea at the Retile Expo in mississauga Ontario. Very good eater and leaves lots of windows so I can peek into her burrow.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2006
Best freebie? As in singular?

I ordered 6 slings once and got 13. That was pretty cool.:eek: :clap:

The best one is probably a 1 1/4"C. brachycephalus that I got recently. I ordered 10 slings of one species, got an extra of that species and the C. brachy.:clap: :D


Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
I've gotten so many freebies from many wonderful people. Martin and Amanda have given me many wonderful freebies including P. pulcher, C. sp. "Bolivia", H. sp. "Norte de Santander", N. chromatus and probably more that I'm forgetting.

I once received 13 free pokies with an order, P. pederseni, P. formosa and P. rufilata. And another friend sent me 2 Yamia sp. "Koh Samui", 2 Ornithoctonus sp. "Koh Samui" and 2 B. emilia all for free. Yet another friend gave me a 4" female B. boehmei, 3" P. metallica, 3" A. versicolor and 4" P. ornata. I have great friends!:)


Old Timer
Aug 26, 2005
I've gotten so many freebies from many wonderful people. Martin and Amanda have given me many wonderful freebies including P. pulcher, C. sp. "Bolivia", H. sp. "Norte de Santander", N. chromatus and probably more that I'm forgetting.

I once received 13 free pokies with an order, P. pederseni, P. formosa and P. rufilata. And another friend sent me 2 Yamia sp. "Koh Samui", 2 Ornithoctonus sp. "Koh Samui" and 2 B. emilia all for free. Yet another friend gave me a 4" female B. boehmei, 3" P. metallica, 3" A. versicolor and 4" P. ornata. I have great friends!:)
if u want u can give me those ornithoctonus sp koh samui for free ;] haha!
your so lucky to have those in your collection.hope they become available in the usa soon


Old Timer
Jan 20, 2007
my friend had a g. rosea since 2nd grade. it was around 5 in when he gave it to me in 8th grade. it's not a purchase freebe, but whatever.

Michael Jacobi

Old Timer
Mar 17, 2003
First, let's give credit where credit is due: Kelly Swift "invented" the freebie concept as a brilliant marketing scheme and it has been copied by most of the other dealers and pseudo-dealers. I'm not slagging them off for doing so; I certainly also adopted the freebie concept because it was a great idea and, to a lesser extent, because customers came to expect it. But, to me, a freebie is not about its value or the value of the order you place to receive it. When I was a full-time dealer I didn't like when people asked for a freebie or, worse still, asked what it would be. I always thought that took the fun out of it. I always wanted the freebie to be a surprise; something unexpected that made opening the box like xmas. And I liked to tailor the species choice to the customer's interests. In other words, giving an arboreal freebie to someone who ordered a number of arboreals, or an old world species to someone who obviously had a special interest in those tarantulas - not just dumping off something I had loads of. As a marketing scheme, the whole idea is obviously to build repeat business and I always thought not advertising freebies and rewarding customers, who nonetheless bought from me even when every other dealer seemed to be jumping on the "Swifty bandwagon" and advertising freebies, to make it more special. If you hatch out 1000 parahybana or 500 geniculata and give away those, that hardly can be considered a freebie in the same spirit as some of the more unique and generous freebies mentioned above.

But my whole reason for making a rare post in this type of thread is to share the story of the best freebie I ever gave. What is more special than a freebie the customer isn't expecting? A freebie that even the dealer wasn't aware of! I recently shipped a subadult Poec, packaged my usual manner in a toilet roll tube surrounded by paper toweling in a tall 32 oz. deli cup. After receiving the package the customer sent me photos of a 1.5"+ legspan spider that had - somehow without my knowledge :rolleyes: - got into the cup when I was packing. That's right... NOT just in the box... in the cup! I never saw it and was shocked to learn that I had sent the guy a freebie that was even a mystery to me - a Dolomedes tenebrosus that obviously was part of my resident free-roaming spider population and had made its way into the toweling or tube!

Cheers all, Michael
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Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
After receiving the package the customer sent me photos of a 1.5"+ legspan spider that had - somehow without my knowledge :rolleyes: - got into the cup when I was packing. That's right... NOT just in the box... in the cup! I never saw it and was shocked to learn that I had sent the guy a freebie that was even a mystery to me - a Dolomedes tenebrosus that obviously was part of my resident free-roaming spider population and had made its way into the toweling or tube!

Cheers all, Michael
Pretty cool story, Thanks for sharing!


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2007
From Reptist Exotics

Reptist always sent me a cool freebie, and my fav was an A. versi sling and a G. aureostriata juvie...the versi is everyones fav in my home due to the color obviously, lol...but the aureosriata is a busy guy (or girl-not sure yet)...keeps us entertained with her construction skills


Jun 27, 2007
I sometime turn down freebies, because the breader i go to only offers 2 different species. So i don't really need 5 B.vagans slings. Some of my friends think i crazy for turning down a free T but again i don't need 5 b vagan slings