best beginner

Arachnokid 93

Old Timer
Aug 18, 2006
Okay I have been looking to get a centipede but I dont know witch won to get. I dont know what to believe on the internet one sits says its the best pede in the world the other says it will get out of its cage and muder you in your bed. So I was wondering if you guys could help me out. So what is the best (or one of the best) pedes for beginners.

Thanks for any help ~ Arachnokid 93 ~

Arachnokid 93

Old Timer
Aug 18, 2006
Very sorry if i did not make my question direct enough. The most important thing i wated to know is venom I would like to have a pede that has a mild venom and still be a good size. From what I can tell not many pedes are docile and I have a lot of very agressiv tarantulas so thats not a problem. Sorry again and thanks for any help.
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Old Timer
Nov 26, 2006
id try a stone centipede first they are pretty small but if you get bit its not so bad


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
as far as venom goes

most of the U.S. centipedes have pretty weak venom, with the exception of Scolopendra heros and S. alternans

S. polymorpha, S. viridis, and Hemiscolopendra marginata are all pretty easy to get ahold of and have very mild venom.

for non U.S. centipedes i would say the "blue ring leg" centipedes, Ethomostigmus sp. trigonopodus have just about the most mild venom of any centipede i have been bit by. 60+ bites with no effects. my last two bites were a little weird so i don't want to say i have never had a reaction to the venom... but i suspect my last two bites picked up a secondary infection as the action was unlike any other centipede envenomation i have experienced.

you have to watch out, there is a similar (or same?) Ethmostigmus species of centipede sold as "african giant yellowleg" that absolutely sucks to get bit by.

to kind of tac from a different direction: S. subspinipes, S. alternans, and S. heros have all provoked fairly impressive reactions in people. S. subspinipes is available in many different colorforms, some of which are absolutely gorgeous so if you are trying to avoid the more venomous species you are going to have a lot of offerings to dodge


hey 93, you are in luck.. TX is AWESOME for local centipedes! try looking up posts by Galapoheros. he lives in the sort of middle of TX and has posted where to catch some stuff.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
I actually just submitted an article on this subject, but I don't know if it'll be accepted.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
lol, i'm writing up the beginnings of a centiFAQ for my website that will cover this too


Old Timer
Apr 7, 2007
Okay I have been looking to get a centipede but I dont know witch won to get. I dont know what to believe on the internet one sits says its the best pede in the world the other says it will get out of its cage and muder you in your bed. So I was wondering if you guys could help me out. So what is the best (or one of the best) pedes for beginners.

Thanks for any help ~ Arachnokid 93 ~
HAHAHAHA I would just grab the first thing you can get your hands on.


Old Timer
Mar 19, 2007
Okay I have been looking to get a centipede but I dont know witch won to get. I dont know what to believe on the internet one sits says its the best pede in the world the other says it will get out of its cage and muder you in your bed. So I was wondering if you guys could help me out. So what is the best (or one of the best) pedes for beginners.

Thanks for any help ~ Arachnokid 93 ~
hi, Arachnokid 93! i'm locke. now i have 2 haitian giant centipede juveniles. one is 10 and the other is 9.5cm(1"=2.54cm). i only have experiences of keeping two species. Scolorpendra sp. "Haiti" and S. subspinipes dehaani "mau chau", vietnamese giant yellow leg. of course i'm not an expert of the pedes. but i'm telling you an advice of mine. the most important thing is to know each other between you and your pede first. you must watch learn many things about pedes such as their customs. so it's better if a baby individual then subadult or anything else. if he bites you, not much pain because it's small. and a small individual is easy to handle more than a big one. i don't care what species it is. most giant centipedes are similar to each other for custom, how aggressive, sensitive or anything else. many people say a giant pede is very aggressive. but i don't think so. of course they are enoughly aggressive in mother nature. but i think they could be accustomed to human's environment. it doesn't mean that they could be familiar like cats and dogs as a human's pet. but it could be possible if you enoughly try to treat them safe. watch this video below;
i recorded this a week ago. my finger touches their antennas when they are washing the antennas after eating.. but they don't mind if i touch them or not. still doing their jobs... aren't they lovely? i hope that you have a nice choice for the pedes. thanks.