Bee keepers - Newspaper article on Unexplained Mass Die-Off of German Hives

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
I don't know much about bees, I just thought I post it for the bee keepers here on the boards.


Steven Valys

Old Timer
Aug 30, 2007
We lost our hives a couple years ago. It really sucks that they're dying off; the U.S. relies on bees to pollinate around 130 different crops. I only thought this was an American issue, not worldwide. :(
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Old Timer
Jun 13, 2007
I am surprised that the Germans aren't considering what happened in the US with our bees. Unless they have ruled out similarities already, but it sounds like they are starting in the same place that we started - pesticides. I hope there isn't a worldwide epidemic. The good thing is that if the cause of the dying bees is the same in Germany as it was in the US, it is estimated to only cost about $.50 per hive to correct the problem.


Old Timer
Apr 10, 2008
I still have bees. I had 80 hives in 2003, I now have 12. my problem has been varroa mites and in this area the mites have become resistant to both apistan and checkmite. it is real tough and expensive to keep hives alive right now.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
If telecommunications are to blame, why didn't we see this decades ago?

GM crops are a little more within the realm of reality...but I know scientists aren't stupid enough to put BT in insect pollinated crops. I'm not 100% sure that the BT protein effects bees...although I'd imagine it would.

I'm guessing it's something new...probably out of left feild.

Anyone know if Wolbachia can infect hymenoptera?


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
I saw a TV show about the downturn. The show picked the side of the problem being mites like apidaeman experienced. I feel like the buck's been passed on to mites, but why would the mites be so out of check all of the sudden? Why is this such a mystery? I have noticed more bees this year in my yard but still less than I used to. All this seems kind of weird that we haven't heard much about the cause in the decline. And if it's such a big problem (which it might be), why isn't it all over the news? If it's such a big problem, what are they trying to hide, since it's not all over the news? If it's that bad, seems like we would hear about it everyday when we aren't even looking for bee news at all. Just one of those things to listen for and see what they say next about it. If this is real, seems like the pros would know what the deal is, if they do, they ain't talkin! I'm leaning towards Chesh with the GM thing going on because the decline coincides with that but that could be a coincide--ence, haha, I just noticed how the words are related I'm just going to keep my ears open. IMO, I think somebody knows, and what they know isn't forum material. So whatever is figured out here that is posted here is going to be old news to the underground. Also, aren't there 1000's of more diff pollinators than honey bees like beetle species, butterflies, flies, and other wasps and bee species? I know Einstein said what he did about honey bees but there are a lot of other pollinators out there, and aren't there enough of the other pollinators? Anybody have a for sure answer for that? That's where my mind goes with all this. Interesting, curious stuff.

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
If telecommunications are to blame, why didn't we see this decades ago?
Well, I would be the last to know if it could actually have any effect on anything at all, but there is a new system on the market or they are working on a new system, I think it's called G4 or something... ah I don't know what it's called. But it's said to be more powerful than the others... obviously - they wouldn't build anything weaker.


Old Timer
Jun 13, 2007
At least here in the States, I thought they had concluded that the problem was caused by mites and that the estimated cost to treat each hive was in the neighborhood of 50 cents. I'm not sure if the situation was resolved and now it's only a matter of time for the population to boom and get back to previous levels, or not - I agree, not much is being said. I hope that is because it is not a concern anymore.
The only situation with the fact that there are other pollinators available, is that most pollinators are geared toward pollinating a certain range of species of flowers. They don't pollinate every flower that they come in contact with. My plum tree is only pollinated by certain species of wasps. Every pollinator has a job to do - bees, beetles, butterflies, moths, flies, wasps, etc.


Old Timer
Jun 13, 2007
The 50 cent cure was the cost of treating each hive in order to kill off the harmful species of mite. It was a story of "hope", in that it looks like we have found the cure, and the remedy was inexpensive. If I remember correctly, this was a story in the Detroit News back in September or October, 2007. I am not saying that it is as credible as a science journal - that is just where I remember reading the article. I didn't write or research the information - I just read it.


Old Timer
Apr 10, 2008
Let me assure you that there is no such 50 cent cure. The strips to treat the mites cost far more than 50 cents each and hives require more than one, most require 4. Not to mention that the mites become resistant as they have in my area they are resistant to both types of strips, I am down to sucrocide, until they develope resistance to that too.

Varroa mite are not the only issue either, small hive beetle has moved in my area as well. They can be a pain at times. I am not even going to go into the multitude of other diseases that come up from time to time.

On top of all this the Africanized honeybee is knocking at the door here.