Bad night for my statistics...


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2009
Well, today I found my beautiful Avicularia sp. amazonas purple molting. It was sold to me as 110% percent female, by a very prominent and respected dealer up here.. Guess what? The amazonas purple female is now a navy blue MM! :wall: So I went from "knowing" I had 5 females, to knowing I have 4..

To top things off, it seems he had a semi wet molt, his "fuzz" is clinging to his front legs, and it has never been so "clingy" on any of my other molting avics, and he's all wonky and strange.. He flipped over, and I dug a small pit right in front of him that I put his waterdish into, because he could hardly move, so I wanted to make it easier for him. He scooted over to it, dragging himself along on his belly, and started drinking.. I didn't want to disturb him with too many pics, but I got a blurry one.. I feel so bad for the little guy, I hope he'll make it.. The saddest thing really, if he survives, he will be going to waste, as I don't know his exact sp. and I don't know of anyone with a similar looking T.. Sorta pissed right now, at the guy I bought him from. And how he could have gained such status with those kinds of sales, I do not want to think of.. Are people honestly THAT daft?

Anyways, enough ranting, he's a picture of him, all bent out of shape, looking pitifull :(



Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
Go to the dealer for resolution. If you are not satisfied, go to Seller/Buyer/Shop Inquiries/Warnings and tell the world.
Sorry for your let-down; best of luck with the dealer.


Staff member
Apr 11, 2010
sorry for the sex change, maybe she was just a male stuck inside a female body and finally went with the operation{D but even the experts get surprised sometimes.


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2009
I called the seller, and he hung up on me and refused to answer the phone again, so this makes me think he knew this was a male all along.. And to think this guy was recently ranting about unserious buyers!

My little boy is still alive, he pooped after me when I peered in to have a look at him, so I'm hopefull.. For now..