I keep mine exactly as I keep my B. smithi and B. boehmei. She is by far the laziest T I've EVER had though. I have many "pet rock" species, but they all move around. She just sits. I would think that she actually IS a rock if she didn't make flying leaps at lightning speed when crickets appear. It's an interesting split. You won't regret the choice if you get one!
Here's a pretty picture (she's almost 3" now). B. ruhnaui (albiceps) are GORGEOUS full-grown, and she's well on her way...
good choice, they are gorgeous, mostly docile and always out in the open. i was lucky to get an adult female for a good price (around 100$) last year and she's a joy! i keep her like all other brachy - a few inches of dry substrate (mine likes to dig from time to time), a full water dish and too much food. they don't move much and thus tend to get fat even quicker than other species .
thanks to all and very good ( t ) pict it sounds a good one to keep and it would be good to see her all the time i must get one asp thanks again :clap: :clap: :clap: :worship: :worship: :worship:
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