well - it's kinda hard to use the search function when you have trouble spelling thouse darn latin names. In fact I looked up the spelling on ken's site: boehmei
As for the OP's questions - I have two. My large female (4-5") is kinda picky with eating... toss three crix in and she sometimes eats all three sometimes she eats one. She normally doesn't grab them right away.
My smaller (roughly 3-4") one tends to grab the crix as soon as I drop it in front of him/her.
I wouldn't say they are nocternal - I see them out all the time, morning, noon, night - they are in a southern room and though they have light and dark sides - and a hide - so THEY COULD hide if they want to - They don't seem to care if they are in the sun or not... they have places they just sit regardless. I've fed them at all points during the day, including morning and late at night.
So to summarize: 1. any time of day should be fine.
2. Depends on the individual - I have one that really doesn't eat much and one that can be a pig.
The problem I have is that I'm not using crickets I'm using dubia roaches. As soon as throw them in they start burrowing. Will the boehmie dig them up or not?
Tarantula by nature hunt/ambush prey using vibration. As long as your tarantula is hungry and the dubia moves, chances are your T would get it and eat it.
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