B. annitha pondering...

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
I have posted in the past that if I ever saw anything from my B. annitha sling that led me to believe it was something other than a smithi I would post on it. Well, this is by no means anything conclusive, but it is interesting:

It moulted a few days ago and I finally got a good look at it today. It doesn't even have the first hint of the orange color with the legs (they're all black yet) but the carapace is completely golden orange at this age. Hmm....


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2002
C M,
Whats the common name for a B.annitha?


Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by Code Monkey
It moulted a few days ago and I finally got a good look at it today. It doesn't even have the first hint of the orange color with the legs (they're all black yet) but the carapace is completely golden orange at this age. Hmm....
Of course, the more I look at it, the more I'm thinking if I don't see the beginnings of the orange knees by the next moult, I'm going to be suspecting the reason my annitha doesn't look like a smithi is that it's a ruhnuai :eek:

Vayu Son

Avatar of Anansi
Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002

Who did you purchase it from? The only times dealers have misidentified t's or sold me something they didnt have has been remedied to my advantage.

P.regalis female turned out to be P.fasciata

Female C.cyanopubescens turned out to be male, traded the male back in for 4" P.nigricolor

P.subfusca was replaced with P.striata

if its ruhnaui your up on the $$ end of it right? It still kinda errgs me though. when a T is identified as something other than promised it makes me question the validity of that dealer. Sometimes you really want what you want regardless of $$ issues.


Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
I got it from Regal Reptiles. It may well turn out to be exactly what it's supposed to be (annitha/smithi). The next moult will tell. I'm waffling on whether I think this starkly different carapace is because the darker colour hasn't formed yet, or if it really is going to be this color.

I took a shot:



Old Timer
Sep 27, 2002
I'll bet you a quarter it turns out to be a B. boehmei


Check out the comparison of the color change on the tarsal segment right before the claw.. add that to the now orange carapace..

Although, I have no idea what a B. annitha looks like...

Bill, who has entirely too much time at work today :p

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by conipto
I'll bet you a quarter it turns out to be a B. boehmei

Check out the comparison of the color change on the tarsal segment right before the claw.. add that to the now orange carapace..

Although, I have no idea what a B. annitha looks like...
Annitha looks pretty much *exactly* like smithi except that the carapace is usually gold/orange. The problems in ID'ing come from the fact that I've seen "smithis" with annitha type carapaces, and "annithas" with smithi type carapace markings. This one was imported from a European breeder so it should have been in theory the real deal (even if all that is is a smithi colour morph) but it certainly does not look like it's going to look like a smithi or an annitha at this point.

Boehmi is another possibility I've pondered and would not all be unwelcome as far as misidentifications go. I now can't wait for the next moult because it should be the one where the adult patterning becomes obvious.


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Re: ><

Originally posted by Vayu Son
Who did you purchase it from? The only times dealers have misidentified t's or sold me something they didnt have has been remedied to my advantage.

P.regalis female turned out to be P.fasciata

Female C.cyanopubescens turned out to be male, traded the male back in for 4" P.nigricolor

P.subfusca was replaced with P.striata

if its ruhnaui your up on the $$ end of it right? It still kinda errgs me though. when a T is identified as something other than promised it makes me question the validity of that dealer. Sometimes you really want what you want regardless of $$ issues.

ok, but what do you do if you order s'lings (I ordered a group of pulchra and smithi lings) and one of them turns out to be neither a smithi or pulchra.....and this is going on probably 1.5 or 2 years later....I still don't know what the heck this one ling will turn out to be.....I am kinda pissed because I paid for pulchra and who knows what it will turn out to be.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Re: Re: ><

Originally posted by conipto
So we betting or what? ;)

Sure, I'll pay you a quarter if it turns out to be a boehmi :)

Do you pay me a quarter if it turns out to be anything else? Or do I have to pick a species, too?

Originally posted by atavuss
this is going on probably 1.5 or 2 years later....I still don't know what the heck this one ling will turn out to be.....I am kinda pissed because I paid for pulchra and who knows what it will turn out to be.
There is a certain amount of faith and trust involved with getting small slings. Grammostola slings pretty much all look alike until they get over an inch, and they don't look all that much different than small Brachypelma slings. I'm really thankful for things like Avicularia and Pamphos that come out of the sac looking like more than a pasty bald thing with 8 legs.

At any rate, unless I had reason to believe the dealer should have known, I wouldn't do anymore than contact the dealer and see what they say. I emailed Pat the link to this thread just because I'm curious if he knows anything better than all of us geniuses. I'm not expecting a replacement or anything, but, otoh, if a breeder is sending him incorrectly identified Ts, that's not good and Pat should know.


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2002
Re: Re: Re: ><

Originally posted by Code Monkey
Sure, I'll pay you a quarter if it turns out to be a boehmi :)

Do you pay me a quarter if it turns out to be anything else? Or do I have to pick a species, too?
Of course, otherwise I'd be putting my quarter against some seriously stacked odds!


Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: ><

Originally posted by conipto
Of course, otherwise I'd be putting my quarter against some seriously stacked odds!

Well, neither of us will probably make the quarter, but I'll go with my first guess of ruhnaui.
Pat took a look at the pic and he had no idea either, just have to wait for the next moult and see what the adult patterns look like.

Midwest Art

Old Timer
Sep 4, 2002
B. annitha

I'd say that it's virtually impossible say that the spider pictured is not an annitha. There is virtually no chance that it's B. ruhnaui as they are priced at about 5 times b. smithi and no one would make that mistake. I've got a 1 inch annitha larger than the one pictured, it's much darker but no markings yet, you still can't tell what it will look like. If was labeled annitha, it's annitha.

I did raise an annitha from a spiderling, now it's a 4 inch subadult male. Different from B. smithi? Aside from the greater orange in the carapace the other distinguishing factor is the size ("Giant Red Knee") and only time will tell. Too flicky to get close to. Anyone out there have an adult B. annitha? Size?

Midwest Art
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