Awesome day!!!!!!

Oasis Inverts

Old Timer
Sep 11, 2004
Hey all I just wanted to share this with my fellow Invert friends..........

On This past Tuesday myself and Rob aka Satellite Rob went to visit an old place were he used to lend a hand to from time to time here in south Florida....Rob had asked me if I would give him a hand with some tarantulas and scorps that they got in the day before I said sure we arrive and I walk in the invert room and was in heaven I have never seen so many tarantulas in one place ever...Well to make a long story short we unpacked and feed over 6,000 tarantulas by the time hour 6 came around I was beat I tell ya when Rob was saying he has seen hundreds of thousands of tarantulas and other Inverts over the years he wasn't joking just in this one room there were over 7,000 Inverts I just wanted to say thanks to Rob for giving me this opportunity to assit him that day..Also for my assitance I was able to take what ever I wanted....So heres just a few pics of what I got.

2 fresh MM avic metallica's

1 Female Heterometrus longimanus with babies

1 Female Heterometrus spinifer with babies

1 scolopendra Sp.Haitian giant 5in size

All in all it was a awesome day....................:D

Sorry for the double pic's here is the right pic that should have been there.......Thank you all for looking
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Old Timer
Apr 20, 2009
Goodness.....6,000 Ts?! That's

Sounds pretty killer.

Nice pics, too. Bet it was a blast. :)


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
:drool: i'm sure you felt like alittle kid in a candy store:D i know everytime i go to that facility,i'm always oohing and ahhing,and i never leave empty handed{D you can never have too many inverts,glad you had a blast there with rob.

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi Joe,
I'm glad you had a good time.The day we were there thay were unpacking
and setting T. Blondi's.There was also 2 other boxes of not unpacked yet.
1 box had 600+ A. Avicularia and the other box had 600+ A. Metallica's.I
have a question for you.How did you feel the next day.Because was so itchy
for a couple of days.It must have been all that Blondi hair floating around.It
also might have been the 800 Metallica containers we opened.While we were
trying find 2 fresh males with a molted skin in there cups.The Metallica's were
there less than 2 weeks and thats the only way to make sure the males were
fresh with new molts.Instead of a old mature imported male.Everytime I leave that
place i'm scratching.You didn't mention the 2 Cobalt Blue mature males.
Remember we have another date on June 2.I already marked it on my
calender.It's always a pleasure dealing with you.So have a great weekend.
Keep me posted on your Metallica and Cobalt breeding atempts.

PS:When was the last time you seen so many 9" plus T. Blonbi's.
I get itchy every time I think of that place.But I keep going back.
So it can't be too bad.

Satellite Rob
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Old Timer
Feb 8, 2009
It would be nice to see general pictures of your collection? I would also be curious to know what you do with everything you breed. I am not doubting this, or you at all but this topic has been brought up in numerous other threads. There is still nothing showing any proof. Call me a skeptic.


May 3, 2009
I myself am against wild caught and always try to purchase captive bred.As stated in your post : 1 box had 600+ A. Avicularia and the other box had 600+ A. Metallica's. >> I would suspect these are wild caught ?I do not mean to highjack your post , just curious do to the huge amount of critters this place had.Controlled wild caught species that are in danger of extinction and to help promote C.B. projects are one thing but 600+ of anything is gross rape of the wild and usually just about money.This is my own opinion , and i hope it a wrong opinion of this place you were at.

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi Smithy,
It doesn't matter what I post.There someone always there to trash you.I
breed T's almost every night and i'm tired of defending myself.The next thread
I make will be posted under Tarantula Pictures.It will be a compleat Brachy
picture thread.It will have 17 different species of Brachy's.There will be
premolt and postmolt picture of each species.First i'm doing females.Then i'm
doing males.The male will have pre maturing and post maturing molts.It will
have 68 tolal pictures.I will release the address of the site when the females
are finished.It will be the first compleat Brachy thread you will ever see.Unless
someone does it before mine is compleated.Until then I probably wont make a
thread or post a picture.Plus at the moment my camera is being repaired.All
the T's i'm using are my own and there will be no borrowed T's or pictures used
in this thread.Thats about all I have to say on the subject.Smithy have a
great weekend.

Satellite Rob
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Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi dendrobate,
The days of wild caught imports are coming to an end.Now that more and
countries are closing to export of these fauna,arachnids and animals.I never
liked that thay took so many from the wild.Now that so many of these
countries have closed.Thay keep coming up with new places to import from.
But now there starting to run out of places.10 years ago there list was 3
times larger than it is today.This number of species on there pricelist was cut
by 2 thirds and every year it get smaller.Now that caused them to start
stocking more and more captive breed slings,scorplings and pedelings.Almost
half of there list is captive breed now.Beleave or not.But without these
imports this hobby would not be what it today in the U.S.So we should keep
importing as many new species long as we can.Until importing and exporting
ends forever.This way we will have breeding stock for many more species for
many years to come.The poorer countries will probably always have some exports.
But are those going to be species we wont to have.We need to keep
importing as many new locations as we can.To increase the number of
species in the U.S.This way we wont have to buy them from europe for crazy
prices.Years from now we will be taking about the T's we got from here or
there.Imports is what made this hobby what it is today in the U.S. and
sooner or later imports will end.Thats about it.Dendrobate have a great

Satellite Rob


Old Timer
Feb 17, 2008
600+ adult A. Avicularia sounds like you supply pet stores?


Old Timer
May 14, 2009
Seriously? Why so many tarantula? How does he care for them all? That's got to be expensive somehow. He make money breeding them and selling them?

I got my Avicularia Avicularia from the 'Pet Supplies' store, she's too calm to be wild caught but it'd be interesting if I now knew my spider's origins other than the country her ancestors came from. I wonder if she came from you guys handing her to pet stores. Eh, maybe not. We're states away from each other.

If you do do that, try to educate each store a little more, please...? The store I got mine from didn't know a thing about how to care for them. Gave her a sponge, no water dish, used wood chips for substrate, no high enclosure for her to climb...they didn't know her gender, or age, or that she was arboreal, just knew the species name. Could save tarantula lives by teaching others how to care for them.


Old Timer
May 9, 2008
You posted two almost identical pictures of the same particular scorpion and label them as two different species - H. longimanus and H. spinifer. Why is that? Do I smell deception?

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi Draiman,
I just spoke to Joe from Oasis Inverts.He been working all day and was unaware of his mistake with his pictures.He will post new pictures tonight.After he gets home from work.
This morning he noticed that the scorplings have left 1 of the mothers back and he was
going to update the pictures anyway.Draiman thanks again and have a great weekend.

Satellite Rob
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Richard McJimsey

Old Timer
Aug 12, 2007
Come on dude, seriously, you don't have to be so rude.
He made a mistake, you don't need to go so far as suggesting "deception", that's just not cool.

@ Satellite Rob, sounds like one heck of a fun time! Just curious, do these bix boxes come directly from the people that collect them, or do they go through another person before reaching you?

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi Draiman,
Everything mistake is not always a meant to be deception or a scam.It's just
human nature.To error is human.We all make mistakes.Evan if we don't want
to admit it.I was not trying to be rude.I was stating a fact.When I called Joe
today.He had no idea he made a mistake.Before you start throwing false
accusations.You should let Joe repair his mistake and wait for him to get
home.This way he can defend himself.I didn't make this mistake.This is not
my thread.Joe hasn't answered my post either and he always answers my
post.Joe is the one of the nicest person you or I will ever meet.He not a scamer and
anyone who knows him will say the same.Just give him a chance to fix it
before you condemn him.Draiman it always a pleasure and have a great

PS:Most of the insects come from agent who gets the bugs from collectors.There is
high dollar minimum.That could be $2,500. to $10,000. minimum order.Sometimes
thay do buy from private from private collectors.But there much smaller orders.

Satellite Rob
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Oasis Inverts

Old Timer
Sep 11, 2004
Howdy all,

Sorry all for the mistake on the one scorp pic, I have been so busy and when I posted the pic's up last night I guess I just didnt notice it thanks to all that pointed it out so I could correct my mistake....Also to Rob for calling me and letting me know..


Oasis Inverts

Old Timer
Sep 11, 2004
As Rob stated I forgot about the MM Lividums......So here is a pic of one of them.

He has already bred one of my female last night..
