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Arachnosupporter +
Mar 30, 2008

Success!!! Very Very excited as this new Avic Specie has been so unique and I am learning more everyday with this Successful Breeding :

First of all, the specie is being listed as, "VERY POSSIBLE AVICULARIA ANCYLOCHIRA" because of my conversation with others including Rick West and his photograph on his web site here: http://www.birdspiders.com/gallery/index.php/Tarantulas/birdspiders_0211 , which I have 100% received his permission to post the link. Others and myuself have taken a look at my photos and believe it is almost identical to Rick's Pictured AVICULARIA ANCYLOCHIRA. Rick also stated, "Yes, I suspect the specimens in your images could be Avic. ancylochira. I have never seen the male of that species, so, it is interesting." However, without accurate collection location data this can not be 100% confirmed. Therefore, I look forward to future specimens.

Breeding took place on approximately 1-10-2011 Sac made 2-28-2012

Breeding: I acquired 1 female sub adult and 2 males one sub adult 1 MM. The other sub adult male matured in my care as well as the sub adult female. It was amazing to see the difference in the MM vs. the Pen Ult Male. The Pen Ult male looked identical to the female and I questioned that the MM male I had was even the same specimen. Sure enough it was and as soon as the Pen Ult matured he turned into the most fluffiest sparkly pink avic I have seen yet. One if not the most incredible MM change I have seen. Once the female molted and both males were ready to breed (4-5") I switched them back and forth each twice, the males eagerly sought out the female and eventually she killed them both, but I wanted to try and ensure fertility. The females egg sac and hide was unlike all other avic specimens I have kept. Although her webbing was and is almost transparent, it seemed stronger and thicker then my other avic (I tested with several). Also, I was worried as the egg sac looked much thinner and transparent then other avic sacs I have had as well, but when I tried to get it open it was very strong. She was a good mom and at 30 days of incubation the sac looked great, full, and I opened the sac to find around 42 first Instar slings. The 1st instar slings are the largest Avic slings I have seen and I can't wait to see what they look like at 2.I. (Will update)

MM chasing the female out to breed:

MM just matured and Wow

Transparent thick web sac easily seen

Size comparison for sac

Big Fat Babies
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Arachnosupporter +
Mar 30, 2008
Update.....2I .............Here they Come.............:D

Group Pic

Say Hello to my little friend

Say Hello to my little friend again


Apr 2, 2012
Ancylochira Pinktoe spiders were bred sometime before Christmas in 2011. Male was introduced to females house where they bred. After breeding male and female were separated. Temperatures were between 68 and 72. I am not sure about humidity but it was not too dry because I kept female misted. Mom laid the eggsac between christmas and new years. Two months later 53 babies came out. One baby died soon after for an unknown reason but the rest are doing ok. I am feeding them crickets and mealworms and some but not all have molted into 3rd instar the last few weeks.

