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Avicularia diversipes


Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008
Two attempts, both successful:

Female #1 dropped her sac on 3/30/11. I pulled the sac on 4/24/11 to find a mix of eggs and eggs with legs. They began to molt into 1st instar on 4/28/11 and finally to 2nd instar on 5/24/11. Temps were roughly kept between 70-80 degrees throughout the entire process. Humidity within the incubator was most likely near 100%. Final count: 135

Batch #2

Female #2 dropped her sac on 5/1/11. I pulled the sac on 5/21/11 to find eggs and they molted to eggs with legs the very next day. 1st instar was reached on 5/27/11 and 2nd instar on 6/20/11. Temps were roughly kept between 70-80 degrees throughout the entire process. Humidity within the incubator was most likely near 100%. Final count: 140


martin lees

Nov 20, 2011
Avicularia diversipes

AF molted 20/8/12
Mature male received on 3/10/12 from Simon Brown.
I let him settle in and do a sperm web and introduced him the following week.I didn't notice any interest from the female so I left the male in for a week.He was also put in again for a two week period in December.
Temperatures were kept at around 75'F for the next month,then tank was put on top shelf at around 80'F and substrata wetted.
Eggsack layed on or just before 24/2/13
I left eggsack for 35 days and pulled it on 31/3/13
There were 51 N2,s which molted to spiderlings within a week.
I left these in incubator for another week then potted them up
10 of them died during molting.
Total = 41