Just curious if anyone keeps Microtityus. Found little bits of info here and there online, but I'm not sure if it has ever been consistently kept by anyone.
I've found little shreds of care info here and there, but I think it ends up being one of those genera that's almost too small for most people to really want to deal with. With all maxing out at under 1/2" (some 1/4"), they would be a bit of a challenge to raise, let alone the super micro slings...
I know a few people in Europe that have successfully bred them, but these are guys that are the kings in the scorpion hobby. I would love to give it a shot one day, but I honestly do not see them being very common nor in demand. Hopefully a few of us can try our hands at them eventually!
People in Erupoe have all the good stuff lol. A lot of breeders have trouble raising Uroplectus sp. To maturity so I can imagine the skill and knowledge it takes to raise micotityus successfully
Just from a little bit of the info I found, they like it dry with plenty of things to hide under. Well, dry substrate anyway because they need the air to be very humid. Right off the bat that's a fun combo. It also eliminates certain small feeders like springtails, which would probably be your best bet for feeding the slings.
Would love to be able to get some Microtityus some day. I would guess Little Kenyan roaches and fruit flies would be perfect feeders for such small scorpions.
Alrighty those of you who can absolutely must get a hold of these guys, they are too cute. My stripe tail is not much larger than the adults of microtityus.
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