i had 4 in a 30g tank years ago that would breed all the time. great little lizards.
it was pretty well planted, had some driftwood and a large water tub (1/3 of the floor space). the tub had a thin, but tall and wide rock in it that was used as a waterfall, a small pump was used to run it. they drank from this, as well as from droplets from the mistings.
make sure to have proper lighting.
the tank was always warm (80's).
misted twice a day, and fed them gutloaded/dusted crickets regularly, sometimes freshly molted mealworms and small waxworms. i never intended on breeding them, i just started finding babies here and there (the babies were used as food items for large predatory fish, i didnt have room to raise them).
the females would lay their eggs in the substrate. i was using cocofiber and moss.
good luck
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