Amazon tree boa


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2005
I'm hoping to get an Amazon tree boa soon but I'm having some trouble finding info on proper cage size and substrate. The tank I was thinking of using for him is about 24" long 12" wide and 36" high. It's a glass tank with a screen top. Does that sound ok?
And for substrate I read that you need something that holds humidity but won't mold easy. I got some coco fiber and I'm thinking of spagham most on top of that although spagham I've had in other humid tanks seems to mold quickly..
Was hoping someone here could tell me what they use for their set up.
Thanks! :D


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2008
Hmmm...this tank may do, but won't be great. 36" height is overkill. The best arboreal tanks shouldn't be any taller than 30", as they don't need more height, and with the extra space, heating and humidity get tricky. The 12" width is also too narrow.

The best caging solution you can use is a 24" cube. Vision makes one similar to this in their model #222. It is 28"X24"X24". These cages are also commonly used for ETBs. PVC cages also makes one like this. Showcase cages makes a three foot long cage that is 24" tall and 24" deep that would be good if you want more space and display quality cage.


There are many other options to choose from as well. I know the boaphile is now getting into arboreal caging as well. So, they may be worth checking into as well.

Just remember that ATB don't like perches so much as ledges. So, if you're looking to get one, look at other set-ups and see what other people do for ledges. If you use perches, you are almost guaranteed to always find the boa on the ground instead of the perch. They aren't like GTPs or ETBs.

For substrate, I generally just use paper towels. It's simple and effective. Remember also that simplicity is key. I change out the cages once per week, and the paper towels make that pretty easy. Also, it keeps you from having to worry about mold. But, that's just my preference.


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2005
Thanks! That was very helpful. The tank I have is a strange size and I thought it might be too narrow. I also have another large tank with a screen top, I'll have to check the dimensions when I get home but sounds like it may work! :D