I have a few favs.... A. geroldi- the shade of blue is unrealistically beautiful.:drool: A. geniculata- even prettier than the B. smithi coloring. Sharp and precise bands of white, and the red hairs all over, and the mere size of this spactacular T make it just that: spactacular. A. versicolor- like a prism, or a furry rainbow. so cute, u almost forget its a tarantula, lol.
P. metallica- Even though I cannot own one of these, I have to tell u that they are so beautiful in real life...got to see one at the reptile show this weekend. They wanted $325 for it!!!! Well worth the money imo....nice blue coloring and yellow bands underneath...all ornamentals are beautiful- but this is the pride of the ornamentals:clap:
Avic versi and geroldi are beautiful spiders, as are Poecilotheria metallica, P. ornata, and Psalmopoeus pulcher and P. irminia are good looking too. H. lividum and the GBB are also pretty.
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