Alipes Grandidieri - first centipede


Aug 31, 2020
Hey guys, I just recently purchased a flagtailed centipede. This is the first myriapod in my collection. I was told by the seller that they’re easy to keep just make sure that the substrate is some-what moist but not too saturated. Other than that I can’t find a whole lot of info on keeping this particular species so I’ve just been reading up on some of the more commonly kept centipedes (Scolopendra). With that I’ve found that they are prone to mycosis which is already a slight concern with my A. Grandidieri because the day after bringing it home I noticed some spots of white fuzzy mold popping up I his (deli) cup. I emptied it out, wiped clean and added some of my own substrate that has a spring tail culture and I poked a number of holes into the cup for increased ventilation. However this same mold popped up again. I fed him one roach the day I got him. Is it the centipede’s waste that is causing this mold? Today I have an acrylic enclosure (9”x6”x6”) arriving in the mail. I’ll be rehousing him into that. For this small of an enclosure should I go ahead and build a simplified bio active set up? Don’t have any plants small enough right now but I can find those if I decide to add later. Also, if anyone has any information on this species that would be greatly appreciated, it’s a really beautiful specimen and I hope to keep it in good health. Attached are images of the centipede and one that shows a mold spot.



Jul 11, 2016
Mold could very well be from the centipede's waste, the enclosure being new (mold seems most common in brand new or very old enclosures in my experience), or a food item dying and molding over. Not a problem unless it spreads over the entire enclosure, which is easily prevented by spot removal of the mold.

Generally speaking plants aren't a good idea in centipede enclosures especially at that size because the specimen will just uproot them. Planted setups from what I've seen are best done in much larger enclosures.




Mar 14, 2021
I also own this species, there is some mold on her cork bark but it doesn't seem to spread and if I'm right the springtails are starting to reduce it by quite a bit. Like the poster above me said it is very common in new vivariums and all of my other moist/bioactive types always get a lot of mold at the start which eventually just disappears somehow. My best advice is to experiment slightly with humidity and see how quickly the top dries up (not too much to affect your centipede of course) and adjust ventilation etc. Also add lots of springtails- I find you can speed up their population growth by putting small bits of cucumbers in the vivarium. In any case I believe that Alipes are probably more resistant to mycosis since they come from a lot moister environment so I tend not to worry. I have had mine about a month or two in those conditions and she seems perfectly healthy (aside from the pickiness all alipes owners suffer lol)

EDIT: btw your pede is so pretty congratulations on getting hold of one theyre probably my favorite small pede in the hobby


Aug 31, 2020
Just rehoused it last night. Tried to feed it again and it definitely was not having that roach. Ended up grabbing the roach and violently tossed it away, haha. I’ll give it another week and see if it’s maybe ready to molt? Here’s a pic of the new enclosure, ~1.4 gal, used some of my premium substrate, a small patch of live moss and plenty of spring tails.


Matts inverts

Jan 17, 2021
That’s cool. The springtails should get the mold and small pieces of leftovers. I clean if my centipede leaves wings or something from it’s last meal so I haven’t noticed any issues. A bio active without isopods would be cool. I did notice the centipedes walk everywhere so the air plants got moved or fell but the pothos pops right back up.