I started with a chile rose a year ago now i have five. would have more but unfortunateley not enough money to spare. i now have
Princess the chile rose
rebecca the haitian brown
mr pink the costa rican tiger rump
bungle the mexican red knee
and camp koala the indian ornamental.
and rip to boris the pink toe
cant wait to get more when the student loan comes in
As long as you can properly care for all your T's, there is no set number. I got a lot when I first started but have been slowing down a lot. Currently I have in the ball park of 60 or so. Like I said, as long as you can keep them fed and happy, there is no limit .
My real collection began in May 2005 which was a G.rosea. I bought 25 other Ts after that, then sold 23 out of the 25 in August 2006. From August 26 to now, I have 24 with 4 more coming soon. Most of my Ts now are adult females, before the majority was slings and unsexed adults.
I never even thought of buying a t. Ive looked at them, but owning one never crossed my mind, then my friend died and none of his family wanted his t. I brought it home and was hooked!!! Now I have three and I am looking for more.
I bought my first tarantula in October of 2004, and my boyfriend at the time was creeped out and left me a few months later. He couldn't handle the T. I got my second as a birthday present in January 2006 (from my then boyfriend-now fiance), she didn't live very long either (both were petco pink toes and both died of molting complications). Before my second died though I bought my first sling in February 2006, an A. purpurea. She just turned a year old and is big and beautiful.
Currently I have 17 tarantulas, and have had 19 total. It was a while between getting my first one and my second one (more than a year) but it was because I was discouraged after my first died. Once I got my second and third tarantulas I waited a few months before buying more, but now I tend to get them 4 at a time in 3-6 month intervals.
As long as you have the space, time, and ability to give them what they need and take proper care of them; then you can never have to many or get them too fast.
If you have the tarantula mojo and they do well with you, then props. It took me a while to get things right, but now I am the sling queen.
i started in Oct 06 with a G.Rosea and now have in my collection 38. this saturday i will be getting 3 more and presently have 3 males out on loans, so 41 total ive had in the few short months since i started
I discovered the hobby in january 2006 or so. The first T arrived in june 2006 and now I have about 30 T's 9 scorps and 6 centipedes. I'm about to put a stop to the bying though. Just....one....more....order.....
I recieved my first T, a G. Rosea for Christmas last year after wanting a T for years. I've now got 5 inc 2 slings, I have a B. Smithi, G. Rosea, A. Seemanni, A. Geniculata and a G. Aureostriata. Im possibly going to be buying a P. Murinus this weekend!!
Purchased first T (A. seemani) in September '06.
Then B. vagans and B. albopilosum in October.
B. smithi and C. cyaneopubescens in November.
December came and had to have G. aureostriata and A. bicoloratum.
January is a new year, so bought A. chalcodes.
Then February picked up A. avicularia.
Trying not to buy anything this month.
Oh lets see here, I had a B Smithi first..... that was somewhere around 90-91.
From then My collection as had big swings up and big swings down but currently I have 211 Ts. A lot of slings but now 32 adults as well.
I started with 2, B. auratum and A. sp "carlsbad green", in May 2006. Less than a year later I have 44 tarantulas. With 5 more on the way. Truth be told, I am alarmed at how quickly my collection has grown, as is my family. I am quickly running out of room. And money. The only reason why I don't have more is my husband's insistence that enough is enough. And I still sneak some new ones in here and there. I am such an addict...
I discovered the T hobby a little over a year ago... obsessed over and cared for the Museums collection for 8 months and started my collection last month with a p.metallica and another on the way...
Funds are low now... but at least I got the ones I really wanted out of the way
Now... to get the ever growing list of wanted T's to stop growing :?
i had my g rosea for about 2 years, then around christmas 2006
BOOM i'm up to 25 with 4 more on the way
everytime i see a picture of one that i like, i NEED to get it
i'm guessing i might be around 50 or so by the end of summer
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