is there anything i need to know about this species?
i read that they're quite defensive at times
and is this species communal? 'cause i read somewhere that says they are and some people on the forum actually put their pokies in a communal tank
There is a lot to know...
Arboreal species... they originate from India...
OW that being said they have more of a potent venom... and more likely to bite than NW, none lethal but very painful bite according to the bite reports!!!
The P. regalis is the most docile out of all my pokies....
They tend to be more shy... Than being defensive....
Good beginner species... They are quite common in the hobby...
These are the one's most hobbyist start off with when they get into pokies, also they have them living communal.....
But i belive when you have a communal set up... you should have them come from the same egg sac...
just be really careful getting your newly purchased pokie into its new home cos if it bolts (like mine did) it will hide behind something (like mine did) luckily it was a wardrobe and i managed to retrieve him, but if it heads for a loose skirting board or hole in a floorboard you may never see it again and live the rest of your days in that house sleeping with one eye open and picking objects up with great trepidation. You will not catch it while its teleporting and thats a fact. Plan ahead and think of EVERYWHERE it could hide before rehousing. Dont do it in the bath either, they can climb out easily despite what people say, thats what mine did!
when i rouse anything fast , i use my big sterlite tub that i use to make up my eco earth bedding , i mist the sides down really good , they have a harder time running up the sides , this helps alot to slow them down , but it does backfire on me from time to time lol
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