Acanthoscurria geniculata


Apr 8, 2017
Okay so I got an A. geniculata at a reptile expo the other day. I have never had one of this species before but fell in love with a beautiful 2.5 inch confirmed female. The man I bought her from was very knowledgeable and told me basic care instructions. When I brought her home I did tons of research combing through this forum on information about them. I added moss around the water bowl as someone suggested to do because they like humidity and filled the cage with substrate so there was only around 2 inches before the top of the enclosure. My question is kind of in two parts. The first is, do you have any other advice on how to best care for this species that I should definitely know? The second, I got her on Saturday and she decided to climb on to the roof of the enclosure and has not gotten back down since. I am worried about her falling. Is there anyway I could prevent her from wanting to stay on the roof or any reason she might be on there? Thank you for the help!

Tanner Dzula

Feb 29, 2016
Let me start of by saying, very nice choice in species. they really are wonderful! My big guy finally just hooked out this past week.

now as for the enclosure, what size enclosure do you have it in? if its too big that could be whats causing him to be nervous, even if theres not much vertical space, if theres a very large amount of floor space it could still stress him out.

also make sure that there is a good hide in his tank for him to retreat too.

at the end of the day it could also be:
1. maybe too humid. genics like it still pretty dry for a brazillian(at least all mine do from experience)
2. just stressed due to the expo/move/rehousing ETC. give it a few more days just in case as, he's in a Brand new place, after being at an expo where I'm sure several dozen-hundred people picked him up and moved him around several times, and then getting thrown in this new home without knowing if its safe or not and even where he is really.
not that they think that complexly but, I'm sure he's been through a lot leading up to this rehousing, so id get him plenty of time to acclimate.

D Sherlod

Dec 30, 2016
Pictures are worth a thousand words...
we can better help when we can see.

Both my genic's sit on top of their hides. I seldom see them hide

The Grym Reaper

Jul 19, 2016
Could just not be settled yet, if you've only had her a couple of days then she'll still be a little stressed and trying to get her bearings but pics of the setup would help us better answer your questions.

My adult female sometimes went through random phases of climbing until I rehoused her into a 6.5 gallon tank recently, haven't seen her do it since but she has been sat on her hide the past couple of days.


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
Well, you said: A. genics like it humid. Er... no. Not really. Not that humid. They like a little humidity, but they are definitely not a species that liks it really humid, like Theraphosa or asians. I don't know who said to add moss around the water bowl either, but depending on what moss you have it actually might prevent the spider from ever reaching the water bowl to drink because spiders don't like to walk on the usual sphagnum moss.

Without having seen your setup and just from what you said I'd guess it's too moist. But that's a guess only.
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Apr 8, 2017
I got the moss advice from this thread also I currently use orchid moss.
I will post pictures later as I'm currently at school but just as an update: I added a hide and coaxed her down from the roof. She went right in and when I woke up this morning she had blocked off the entire opening with substrate. Guess she likes her privacy :p Thank you all for the advice!


Aug 5, 2012
As has been said a picture is worth a thousand words, it could be too moist (substrate) she could be away to moult after webbing up her hide, in fact I would post a picture of her ASAP so we can see how she looks, enjoy your new fascinating arachnid, nice sp. as a starter.


Apr 8, 2017
As has been said a picture is worth a thousand words, it could be too moist (substrate) she could be away to moult after webbing up her hide, in fact I would post a picture of her ASAP so we can see how she looks, enjoy your new fascinating arachnid, nice sp. as a starter.
They said that she may be pre-molt which is why I was even more nervous about her being on the roof. She sure is a spitfire though, you go anywhere near her and she will start kicking hairs :p but she is beautiful and I will be sure to post pictures later today to see if that helps!


Aug 5, 2012
They said that she may be pre-molt which is why I was even more nervous about her being on the roof. She sure is a spitfire though, you go anywhere near her and she will start kicking hairs :p but she is beautiful and I will be sure to post pictures later today to see if that helps!
That's the best thing you can do pal, and everyone on this forum will be pleased to help..........


Jan 12, 2016
Well, you said: Avics like it humid. Er... no. Not really. Not that humid. They like a little humidity, but they are definitely not a species that liks it really humid, like Theraphosa or asians. I don't know who said to add moss around the water bowl either, but depending on what moss you have it actually might prevent the spider from ever reaching the water bowl to drink because spiders don't like to walk on the usual sphagnum moss.

Without having seen your setup and just from what you said I'd guess it's too moist. But that's a guess only.
You need lots more coffee friend....Avics? :D


Jan 12, 2016
Sounds good overall, but when i read spiders at the top of the you have a screen/mesh lid?
If yes, your worry is founded, especially with fairly active species like this one. They have little claws at the end of their legs with which they can get stuck in screen or lid. Good thing you got the substrate level right from the start.
Other than than that, she's just acclimating to her new surroundings, and from the update I gather she's in premolt, burying herself and sealing herself off. Just keep the waterdish full, she'll come out when ready :)


Feb 11, 2016
Barricading her hide is definitely a sign of premolt. Keep her water dish topped off and get ready for the gorgeous monster that emerges.

The best way to prevent falls is to ensure a fall does no damage. Keep the distance from her ground level to her ceiling no more than twice her diagonal leg span (DLS), I like mine at 1.5x personally. Here's how I setup my B. hamorii, but my genic will have a similar one soon:

As you can see, there's very little chance of injury from that distance, so she can play monkey all day long without me worrying.

Congrats on a great choice of T, mine just molted this month, and the size difference is extraordinary :)


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
You need lots more coffee friend....Avics? :D
:arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh:. Oh yeah, I so need more coffee... I was actually thinking af A. genic, but I had replied to an Avic thread before I guess...:banghead::sorry::sorry:

Edit: fixed it.


Apr 8, 2017
I added a bigger hide that may be too wide but it is a bit deeper (I was using the top of an egg carton before as a substitute). I removed some of the moss from around the front of the bowl. Should I get a smaller hide for her that she can close off? If so where should I get it from? My gbb is fine with just leaves as anchor points so the hides are newer to me as I'm used to bigger ones for snakes and lizards. Ever since I added the first hide she hasn't climbed back onto the roof (yes it is a screen) so I will see if she takes to this one or not! IMG_3562.JPG IMG_3566.JPG IMG_3568.JPG

Edit: I added the bowl today, it is just temporary until she molts, I wanted it humid because she's had so much stress I don't want a bad molt! I have a much smaller bowl for afterwards!
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Mar 24, 2017
That water bowl is huuuuge. I would get a much smaller one that is deeper. Maybe.... two inches wide. Depth doesnt matter, as its impossible for them to drown. They float, and some species even swim. That may be part of the issue. They do like it humid, but not very, and all that surface area on the water is probably putting out way more than you need. It couldve been climbing for any number of reasons. It could be too humid (which is likely) or the substrate could be too loose. Most substrates should be packed down so it can hold any burrows a T may decide to dig. Not likely here, but some Ts also dont like walking on stuff thats too loose.


Apr 8, 2017
That water bowl is huuuuge. I would get a much smaller one that is deeper. Maybe.... two inches wide. Depth doesnt matter, as its impossible for them to drown. They float, and some species even swim. That may be part of the issue. They do like it humid, but not very, and all that surface area on the water is probably putting out way more than you need. It couldve been climbing for any number of reasons. It could be too humid (which is likely) or the substrate could be too loose. Most substrates should be packed down so it can hold any burrows a T may decide to dig. Not likely here, but some Ts also dont like walking on stuff thats too loose.
The bowl is just temporary until she molts, I wanted it humid because she's had so much stress I don't want a bad molt!


Apr 19, 2017
That water bowl is huuuuge. I would get a much smaller one that is deeper. Maybe.... two inches wide. Depth doesnt matter, as its impossible for them to drown. They float, and some species even swim. That may be part of the issue. They do like it humid, but not very, and all that surface area on the water is probably putting out way more than you need. It couldve been climbing for any number of reasons. It could be too humid (which is likely) or the substrate could be too loose. Most substrates should be packed down so it can hold any burrows a T may decide to dig. Not likely here, but some Ts also dont like walking on stuff thats too loose.
While my First T is still on the way and i dont have much in terms of real life experience, i have to agree 100%, the water dish is almost half of the whole tank, thats WAY to big which is what might be causing the T to be uncomfortable, more water = more humidity :) i would change the dish to something 1/4 of that size.

My apologies to OP, i didnt see the more resent post about the bowl being temporary, we posted at the same time haha


Mar 24, 2017
The bowl is just temporary until she molts, I wanted it humid because she's had so much stress I don't want a bad molt!
Humidity doesnt mean a molt wont go bad. Theres no proof that humidity effects molts in any way, honestly. This is an age-old debate and others will surely chime in. Stress also doesnt equal a bad molt. Sometimes stress can trigger one, but it really doesnt effect quality unless theres not enough room for the molt to occur.


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
Should I get a smaller hide for her that she can close off?
Tarantulas seem to prefer a cozy hide; I guess it makes them feel safe. They'll excavate if there isn't enough space, but they usually don't figure out that they can move in more substrate if there is too much space.

Rather than buying a new hide, which she will eventually outgrow, I would bury most of the hide so that she can excavate until it's the right size for her. (Dig out a bit at the entrance, and she'll likely expand on that starter burrow until she feels comfortable.) The best thing about this approach is that as she grows, she can continue excavating to make more space.

That being said, my geniculata is normally out in the open, even though she is still a sling.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I can tell you that the absolute worst place to have the moss is around the water dish...that genic moves one piece into the water...and it will...and that moss will wick all the water from that big dish in 20 minutes.