A. Urtican problem


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2003
My A. Urticans molted about 5 days ago, i just transfered it into a bigger container, and now i realize how Extremely small its abdomen is, with such a small abdomen, would it attacking food or anything of the sort be harder? Would i have to put it in an ICU? I Have no idea what to do, all my spiders are plump, and still plump once they molt, but this Girl just got SMALL..
Any ideas?



Old Timer
Mar 17, 2003
If it were me, I'd feed her and not worry about it being able to catch food. Toss in a cricket and see what happens. Maybe try just one cricket at a time.

My A. geroldi molted the other night and it seemed her abdomen was half the size when she got done molting. When she is ready, I will fatten her back up.

Hope this helps, good luck.


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003

More often than not when one of mine molts they emerge considerably smaller in the abdomen. I give em about a week to ensure they are ready to eat and then start with one or two crickets to make sure they'll feed normally. If they take it ok I go on a power feeding binge until they fatten up, providing prey every other day or so for as long as it takes to fatten them back up.

I recently posted in another thread however regarding my curly hair, which molted and came up a little light in the backside. I've given her 3 feeder lizards in a row and she still hasn't seemed to fatten up any. I'm strongly inclined to just keep feeding her until she plumps back up to an acceptable abdominal size, but I'm not overly concerned as she is a CB and is not hesitating to take the prey and is finishing every bit of it.

The males of many species are lighter boddied than the females of course, and this might account for both our situations, though I'm seriously hoping that is not the case of my curly hair as "she" was sold as a sexed female. My fireleg went that route though, sold as a fem and then molted to show off some very unexpected tibial spurs, but that was sold at a less trsutworthy pet store than the place I bought the curly hair. The response I got from them was "oops...sorry" and I was out $85 for a T that didn't last more than a year in my collection. :mad:

On that note, my rosie is prepping a 45 degree bed of web along one side of the tank at ground level wich indicates to me that she is about to molt, and my zebra leg is upside down in her burrow with her legs in the air as we speak. My only concern is whether or not the zebra leg will have room enough to fully extricate herself! She's rather large already and from the view I have it doesn' t look very spacious in there!
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