7in. H. gigas bite

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Old Timer
Aug 4, 2003
this is off topic but it is about my g.pulchra she looks to be molting thats why she got me didnt wanna be bother'd while getting ready to molt i guess,


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
I am a bit skeptical too... would like to hear full details of the incident I know my Ts, and I know their signals. If one of them is going to bite, it's very obvious. Just like dogs don't just bite you without warning. If you learn about them, you will be able to recognize the warning signals, and you will know when a bite is impending.

The possibilities are numerous, among them;
He ignored or did not learn to recognize his Ts warning signals
He goaded a docile T into biting him by teasing it
He tried to "look at this picture but don't do this at home" handle it, KNOWING it was defensive
He needs attention (Not his fault. Parents tend to have children these days and then pretend they don't know them.)

Personally, I wouldn't judge this person without more facts, and without knowing him well. He could be a big fat liar, he could be a lonely kid in need of attention, he could be a big sweetheart who is too dumb to pay attention to the Ts warning. I don't know, so I won't judge.

Ultimate Instar

Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
About the endoscopes, those things are horribly expensive, from $1700 to $8000. Used ones go for about half that amount. If Vulpina (Andy) got some used scopes as a present, they must have been in pretty bad condition. The rigid scopes are durable but the flexible ones get screwed up pretty easily. The fiberoptic cable is easily damaged in the flexible scopes. My husband (he's a doctor) would kill me if I used his flexible endoscope to look at Ts, especially if the T decided to attack with it's fangs.

Karen N.


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2003
I really don't get this guys ... *sigh*

At first everybody is saying, Aww, that must really suck! Better be carefull next time! Too bad for you, just switch to NW T's ... Everybody is just believing this guy, and tell him how sorry they feel for him.
Then Sham,Tarantula's say's he doesn't believe the guy, and all the sudden nobody believes him anymore!! Or at least, have their doubts with what he is telling.
Come on guys, just post what you think, not what other people think and sounds cool to you because everybody is saying it ...

Well .. I'm done now.


ps. Nothing personal, just my 2 ct.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by dennie
I really don't get this guys ... *sigh*

At first everybody is saying, Aww, that must really suck! Better be carefull next time! Too bad for you, just switch to NW T's ... Everybody is just believing this guy, and tell him how sorry they feel for him.
Then Sham,Tarantula's say's he doesn't believe the guy, and all the sudden nobody believes him anymore!! Or at least, have their doubts with what he is telling.
Come on guys, just post what you think, not what other people think and sounds cool to you because everybody is saying it ...
Well, I was critical of the H. maculata bite but kept my comments to myself. Still, something has smelled bad about him for a while (c.f. this thread). So when someone who's already posted one questionable bite report and got a 3 page sympathy fest out of it posts another one only two weeks later, red lights had damn well better go off in your head or you're way too gullible imo.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003

But hey, collecting T's is keeping me out of alot of trouble. And being grounded for life about 8times already is keeping me in the house, I need something to do, lol. BTW, the parents never give me a straight answer why i'm grounded, so I piss them off and do what I normally would do when I'm not grounded, lol. And the reason why T's keep me out of trouble is because, my dad in particular pisses me off all the time, and the T's are the only reason I don't hit him (repetitively) and leave, lol. Plus haveing like one centipede about 6in. is nice, a cool thing to spoil. Also the occasional scorp.

As a mother, this post raised all KINDS of alarms! Doesn't sound like he's in a happy home.:(
Acting out to "piss them off" (or get attention from them).:(
"Never give a straight answer" Parents do not communicate with him.:(
"Need sonething to do." Parents aren't the least bit interested in this kid.:(

That's what I get out of it, I'm not stating facts here, just my opinion.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Possibly, Terri, but then again, he could just be an a***ole of a kid. I fought a LOT with my father as a teen and, no, my father wasn't a blameless saint, but 75% or more of it was all from my testosterone charged angry teen self.

Also, when I hear teens bragging to adults about how they try to anger other people thinking this will give them some sort of cred, I know they've got issues that have nothing to do with parenting because if they had clue #1 they'd realise that anyone over the age of 20 who's got all their teeth and doesn't drink PBR like water doesn't see any value in going around acting like a punk.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
You're right... when I was a teen, I HATED my parents. They were strict and mean. Now that I'm a parent myself, I am SO GLAD they raised me as a good person with morals and ethics, I think my dad was the greatest on earth and my mom was a saint. (But a pain in the (_*_) now that she's 80!) I just try to give people the benefit of the doubt unless I'm positive they are an (_*_)!=D


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2003
Originally posted by luther
The BTS has a strict no handling policy.

I only handle one of my Ts, a superbly docile B.vagans.
Be careful... You are probably being watched!


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
This is what you get when a unexperienced keeper try to freehandle highly aggressive and fast tarantulas.
This is why I NEVER encourage anyone to pick t´s up with bare hands.
This is why a hobby like ours one day can get banned.
This is why I never sell those kind of t´s to those kind of keepers.
This is why.... uhh ran out of steam here.

a tired


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2002
I agree with the others here that say that this person shouldn't be keeping spiders or any animal if he can't respect the fact that they can bite. He had to do something to make these spiders angry, if he was doing cage maintenence or something, he probably should have taken precautions to secure the spider, like placing them in deli cups or something while he did whatever. I'm not going to say much more, as I have made my own mistakes. Hopefully this person will learn from his mistake this time, if not, maybe its best that he does leave the hobby. Just my opinion.


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
I've never been bitten by any of my T's, but I've only been in the hobby since November of last year. I do everything humanly possible to avoid having fangs sunk into my skin, I never use my bare hands in a T tank, that's why I have 3 sets of various sized tweezers (6", 10", 12"). Even my roseas and avics get the "tweezer treatment", mainly because my 2 roseas are evil b***ches :p I give my more defensive species time to run and hide if they want to before I start poking around in there, and I'm always aware of exactly where the T is. If it looks like it's getting pissy I leave it alone for a while and come back to it later. I agree that 2 bites in a month is astounding. If it happened, it would have to be 100% carelessness. I agree that it does reflect badly on the hobby, as the #1 thing I'm asked by people who know I have T's is "have you ever been bitten?" You also have to take into account that many many people out there still think a bite from a T will put you in the hospital, and possibly the morgue. So, Steve, if you did actually get tagged by the gigas, I'm sorry it happened, but I'm in agreement with the others in that you need to A) Be more careful or (and better) B) get rid of your OW/defensive T's. If it didn't happen, then I'd seriously have to question your motives.
Just my 2 cents.


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2003
Originally posted by LPacker79
A) Be more careful or (and better) B) get rid of your OW/defensive T's. If it didn't happen, then I'd seriously have to question your motives.
Just my 2 cents.
I agree i have been keeping T's since i was 11, i have never been bit never really close been bit, just have to respect the T, and watch it know what its doing at all times while bumpin around in its cage and also be carful


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
I'm at that whole stage right now :p If I had the money to afford to pay for college on my own, I'd move out to the other side of the country and accidently forget their number.

And it's not because they're strict -- I literally do NOTHING for them to be strict about. But I guess it's kind of natural. Seems like most people hate their parents as teens, heh. Wonder if it'll change.

I won't comment on the bite thing, though. I've only been keeping them for about 1 year and a month. Haven't even gotten close to getting bit, but that's not nearly as long as some of the other people on this board.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by Valael
Seems like most people hate their parents as teens, heh. Wonder if it'll change.
Yep, figure that by the time you're about 20 or so, you'll begin to say, "Dang, my folks were right on a couple of things". By the time you reach 25 you'll come to the conclusion that the ratio is even more skewed than that: your folks were right about most things and, "Dang, I was an idiot". Somewhere around then you'll probably even find yourself voluntarily spending time with them =D

Of course, it keeps getting worse. As you move into your 30s, you'll realize you're turning into your parents.


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Originally posted by Code Monkey
Of course, it keeps getting worse. As you move into your 30s, you'll realize you're turning into your parents.
Even earlier than that if you have kids Chip.... :)



Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002
I think the fact that he hasn't posted in a long time is evidence enough that he may be lieing. Everyone has called him on his story and he doesn't know what to say.

Just my opinion,


Mojo Jojo

Old Timer
Nov 3, 2002

You smell that?

Smells like bs to me.

And I thought that this morning when I read the post for the first time. I would have said something but I didn't have time. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about NW spiders. Shoot, the only non-nw spider that I have is P. murinus. Sometimes I wonder why I have that. But I just have trouble believing this is legit.

I think what we have here is a smart mark.

I just can't figure out how a kid has the disposable income to acquire all the inverts that Pokey has:

Need To Go
Hi, need to go because of financial reasons, taking offers.

Aphonopelma crinirufum (Costa Rican Bluefront) 1 1/4in. Brachypelma angustum (Costa Rican Red)1in.
Cyrtophylis porporicae (Puerto Rican Pygmy)1/2in.
Grammostola aureostriata (Chaco Golden Knee) 3/4in.
Grammostola rosea (Chilean Rose) proven with 205 slings! Female
Heteroscodra maculata (Togo Starburst) 6in. Female missing front right walking leg, good health, good eater, ect.
2 Heteroscodra maculata (Togo Starburst) 3 1/2in.
Heteroscodra maculata (Togo Starburst) Dark Form, very Rare! 3 1/2in.
Hysterocrates gigas (Cameroon Red) cb 3in.
Lasiodora parahybana (Brazilian Salmon) 3 1/2in.
Poecilotheria ornata (Fringed Ornamental) 3in.
Poecilotheria regalis (Indian Ornamental) 3in.
Poeclitheria rufilata (Redslate Ornamental) 4 1/2in.
Phormictopus cancerides (Hatian Brown) 7in. Female
5 Pterinochilus sp. "Usambara Orange" 3 1/2in. wc
1 Pterinochilus sp. "Usambara Orange" 2 in. cb
4 Pterinochilus murinus Mombassa Golden Starburst 1 1/2in. cb
Theraphosa blondi (Goliath Birdeater) 3 1/2in. Female

6in. unsexed Bearded Dragon


Haplopelma, and others for sale!
Pics available, trades accepted, all are in good condition, and eating, if you want, I can also take pics of them eating, for you to be sure.

7in. Mature Female Thailand Black (Haplopelma minax) rare now, please make an offer. Captive Bred

7in. Mature Female Hatian Brown (Phormictopus cancerides) wc

6in. Mature Female Togo Starbust (Heteroscodra maculata) recently imported, came in missing front right walking leg, perfect health otherwise.

5in. Mature Female (Proven) Chilean Rose (Grammostola rosea) wc

1in-1 1/2in. Mombassa Golden Starburst Baboons (Pterinchilus murinus) cb

3 1/2-4in. Usambara Orange Baboons (Pterinochilus sp.) wc

Thats about it, will trade for sexed pairs of scorpians.

Please pm me with any inquiries, my e-mail I have listed dosen't work.


Oh, wait -- need to acquire more spiders:

Wanted:Female T's, I have cash or trade, or both
I am looking for adult females(maybe subadults) of the following species:
Most New and Old world species.

I have cash, or trade,
1 Cryiopagopus paganus Asian Chevron 2"
1 Poecilotheria regalis 2"
1 Poecilotheria rufilata Redslate Ornamental 3"
5 Pterinochilus murinus Mombassa Golden Starburst 1"-1 1/2"
5 Pterinochilus sp. "Usambara Orange" 3 1/2"+
1 Psalmopoeus cambridgei Trinidad Chevron 2"
3 Heteroscodra maculata Togo Starburst 2 1/2"- 3 1/2"
1 Hysterocrates gigas Cameroon Red 1 1/2"
1 Theraphosa blondi Goliath Birdeater 2 1/2"

Thanks Everybody,

Misc. T's, sale
I have some excess i'm looking to sell:

1 6in. Mature Male Togo Starburst (Heteroscodra maculata) Missing most of his front right walking leg, eating well. Or. 50/50 breeding loan.

5 3 1/2in. Usambara (Pterinochilus sp.)

5 1in+. Mombassa Golden Starburst (Pterinochilus murinus) Rare! cb

1 7in. Mature Female Thailand Black (Haplopelma minax) Rare!

1 5 1/2in. Mature Female Proven with 205 slings, Chilean Rose (Grammostola rosea)



Old Timer
Jun 22, 2003
hmmm, seems like his stepdads credit card balance might be a little off........


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Originally posted by dennie
I really don't get this guys ... *sigh*

At first everybody is saying, Aww, that must really suck! Better be carefull next time! Too bad for you, just switch to NW T's ... Everybody is just believing this guy, and tell him how sorry they feel for him.
Then Sham,Tarantula's say's he doesn't believe the guy, and all the sudden nobody believes him anymore!! Or at least, have their doubts with what he is telling.
Come on guys, just post what you think, not what other people think and sounds cool to you because everybody is saying it ...

Well .. I'm done now.


ps. Nothing personal, just my 2 ct.
My first response: "
...ouch, that's GOTTA hurt!!

I'd have to agree about getting rid of your aggressives if you've been bitten twice in one month. Of course, I'm witholding my opinions overall until; the details are given on how it happened."

I've still not said wether or not I believe this happened, but with his lack of response it looks more and more fishy, and from the get go I have stuck to the line of thought that this looks bad either way.

I think the thread has been fairly consistent in regard to that. From where I sit, it looks like most people didn't buy it, or thought Steve is not qualified to keep the species he is keeping at the verry least.

Being new to the boards I was disinclined to state my opinion as bluntly as some of the regulars here are free to do, and I'm quite sure there are a lot of people who hesitate to call a spade a spade until they see that they are not going to offend the majority by doing so.

I think that the difference in posts before and after Shams first response has been do to the desire to show tact rather than a reversal in public opinion. example: One can either tell a lady that when he looks into her eyes time seems to stand still, or he can tell her she has a face that can stop a clock! ;P

Also, what's wrong with people thinking "...hmmmm.... I didn't think about it from that angle!" and reviewing their opinion due to someone elses response? It's not as if everyone went and edited their original posts to read " Oh, B#%sh#$, YOU'RE EITHER INCOMPITENT OR LYING!!!"
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