7in. H. gigas bite

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Old Timer
Mar 15, 2003
I haven't been in this sport long, but it's post like these that kinda scare me. I never handle any of my T'z, the only I handle is my G. Rosea, and thats only like for two mins, I only handle him like once every two months. I've never been biten, and I don't plan to. ;) But that sucks you where biten twice in one month. Anyways hope you get better


Henry Kane

Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
The odds for being bitten twice in a month are incredible. (You should buy a lottery ticket :rolleyes: ) Especially after the newfound respect that anyone with common sense would have gained after a Stromatopelma bite....what, only a few weeks ago?
Didn't that experience change anything about how you deal with your T's? IF not then don't just get out of the hobby, run from it!!!


Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
I'm in the 'very skeptical' group regarding this as well. A lot of this doesn't ring very true, particularly from the parental p.o.v.

Now, since I assume that not all parents would be as knowledgeable as me when it comes to Ts, if I were this guys parents and concerned for my son and ordered him to get rid of all the aggressive/hot Ts, he'd be getting rid of ALL of them since I wouldn't know enough to tell which is which myself, and I sure as heck wouldn't be trusting the same son that told me his cockroach colony were beetles. So what we are to believe is that your parents are so irresponsible that you've been bitten by some of the most significant Ts out there in a space of weeks when I haven't managed to be bitten once in over 20 years by any variety of T - and that the second bite would never have happened if either they had followed through with making you get rid of collection or you'd been honest enough to get rid of all the medically significant specimens (H. gigas is significant from just the physical damage, never mind the venom side of things).

Either in spite of some reasonably sound book knowledge of Ts you are no where near ready to be handling a sizeable collection with potentially hot/significant specimens, or you're telling tales for the supposed attention. I'm not much sympathetic either way.


Old Timer
Aug 4, 2003
well you really dont gotta do somthing wrong to piss T's of sorry to say i got bit by a brazillan black and didnt do anything but stick my hand in to clean his tank out, and she isnt suppose to be aggressive


Old Timer
Aug 4, 2003
agreed code

i agree if my parents told me to get rid of my T's they make me there wouldnt be a second bite only reason i got to keep my T's after i got bit was there was no pain and no need for a trip to the hospitle and if a REd baboon bit you there'd be more than just your not feeling good since a togo sent you to hospitle Red baboons venom is said to be wrose, so i dont think there was an H.gigas bite myself, well anyways if you really did get bit you need to get rid of your T's those are two really bad T's to get bit by if you really did get bit

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by bigTimeLoser89
well you really dont gotta do somthing wrong to piss T's of sorry to say i got bit by a brazillan black and didnt do anything but stick my hand in to clean his tank out, and she isnt suppose to be aggressive
There's a difference between what happened to you and what allegedly happened here, though. You were working in supposedly docile T's cage and got some sort of warning bite that didn't result in anything significant.

This guys is supposed to have been bitten by an H. maculata just a few weeks ago and was so ill needed to go to the doctor. Then, because of the gravity of the situation, he was going to lose his entire collection but managed to whine his way into just getting rid of the aggressive and hot ones. Then turns around and gets bit by another known biter and medically significant species just weeks later.

You were understandably taken by surprise, what's this guy's excuse?


Old Timer
Jan 26, 2003
I agree totally with Atrax. Hey Pocilotheria you wanna pick me some powerball numbers? Honestly, I have been doing the Tarantula keeping for 15 years and (knock on wood) have yet to be bitten. Usually if you don't hanlde your T's, then it's carelessness that gets you bitten. You've just got to be extra careful with the aggressive/hot species, I have/had Pokies, Hysterocrates, Stromatopelma, Heteroscodra, Pterinochilus, Haplopelma and others and am always extra careful with these ones, actually with all of my T's. The only advice I can give you, other than get rid of your aggressive T's is be more observant and careful during maintenance.



Old Timer
Dec 21, 2002
I would have to say most t bites are not out of aggression. I agree with Code Monkey and I said my thoughts of Steve at the start of this thread.

People mostly get bit by being stupid or not understanding the way a t "thinks". A t like a Brazilian black is not aggressive but if you stick your hand in its home uummmmm it might perceive you as prey and bite before it realizes otherwise. I have never seen my A.genics in a threat position but I know better than to just stick my hand in their cages but I can still handle them when the need arises.

Sure it's possible to be bitten while following all of the basic rules but that's the exception. Some day I expect that I may be bitten. I have almost 80 sp. and 200 t's and for breeding, moving them to new cages, shipping out and receiving and so on there is always chance. Twice in such a short time all the while trying to sell his t's with an almost daily changing list? I don't think so. What ever happened to the review of Steve, "Poecilotheria"? I know there was one up with some not so nice thing to say a while back.

Oh yea. Steve had a 4" H.gigas for sale on petbugs on the 23rd of July. I wonder if this is the same one?
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Old Timer
Apr 10, 2003

I guess they get bigger when they are munching on you :)



Old Timer
Feb 25, 2003
Originally posted by esmoot

Oh yea. Steve had a 4" H.gigas for sale on petbugs on the 23rd of July. I wonder if this is the same one?
Awwwwwwww damn! Busted!!!


Old Timer
Jun 22, 2003
What ever happened to the review of Steve, "Poecilotheria"? I know there was one up with some not so nice thing to say a while back.

hmmm, I wonder why steve isnt posting anymore? Where is tis review located?


Old Timer
Jun 22, 2003
Geez, I hope he will be ok. Maybe he developed an allergic reaction???? I heard that about snake bites, if you get bit, the second time there is a higher risk of an allergic reaction???:confused:


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2002
I am on the skeptical side of this as well. Johnny has been keeping for ver 10 years and I have for almost 5 years now. Neither of us has ever been bit. We have kept both OW and NW species and treated them according to their nature, respecting thos defensive species with stronger venom. It is hard to believe that someone could get bitten twice in a month if they were handling and caring for their spiders properly. IMO, if you are going to be close enough to an OW species to be bit twice in one month, you are doing something wrong and were asking for it. There is an exotic pets dealer nearby whose owner supposedly has a death stalker scorpion. He likes to open its enclosure and repeatedly touch the scorp while saying, "I touched death," over and over again. He is just asking for it.



Old Timer
Jul 1, 2003
this is the first time ive ever seen people from this forum attack someone. its discouraging to the original person who posted and for those others who may have problems and now are too affraid to post b/c youll bash him/her


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Well, I said in an earlier post I was witholding my opinion until the details of how it happened were provided and lacking a response from the one bitten, I have to say I'm inclined to agree with the majority in regard to this guy getting out of the hobby, assuming he's even in it... If this is an attention seeking post about a bite that never happened, who is to say this guy even HAS this collection? And if he does and the two serious bites actually did happen in this time frame he is indeed obviously not keeping them in a responsible manner. 15+ years of keeping T's and scorps here with a variety of species, used to handle most of my less aggro specimens until I started having a more potent reaction to the T's hairs on my skin which has caused me to only handle them when it is necissary to move one, still handle emporer scorps from time to time, and never been bitten or stung, and I certainly don't consider myself nearly as experienced or knowlegable as most of the regular posters here.

I am just wanting to hear what he has to say in his defense and an explanation of how/why these bites occurred in the first place...

As for the guy playing "Ohh, I touched death!", he's in dire need of a solid sting IMO! Hopefully he will survive it and be left with a memory that might teach him a lesson!! Sounds like he's dumb enough to use the experience as something to brag about later if he lives through it though...:rolleyes:


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Originally posted by chuck
this is the first time ive ever seen people from this forum attack someone. its discouraging to the original person who posted and for those others who may have problems and now are too affraid to post b/c youll bash him/her
I'm not trying to bash BTW. I'm simply saying that **IF** this is an attention seeker making up stories it is detrimental to the hobby by scaring new enthusiast out of it by making it look like bites are a regular thing, and ***IF*** he has indeed gotten himself bitten by 2 signifcant/hot species within a month span then he obviously didn't learn from his mistakes the first time and should limit himself to non-aggro T's or simply exit the hobby, that option being dependent on how/why he got bitten on both occassions.

If he got bitten by sticking his hand in the tanks for maintenance purposes then he should have known enough to use tongs at LEAST after the first bite, and if it was through doing something as ignorant as "playing chicken" or pestering them in order to induce stridulating or some such thing then he has no business owning T's at all...

If this was a first bite, or 2nd with a significant span of time since the previous bite, as would be the case with anyone who is responsible enough to own these species, I'm sure no one would be saying anything negative about the matter.


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2003
I am TERRIFIED of ever being bitten, so Inuleki and I have devised a system for cage maintenance:

1.) Distract the T with a cricket or waxworm.
2.) Not it's behavior VERY closely.
3.) Bust out the 10" Hemostats and go to work.
4.) If T becomes aggitated or nervouse, stop maintenance

And for the love of the Tarantula God, if your T is injured and you MUST handle it, put it in the refriedgerator first. And hey, there's no problem with welding gloves.

If you just HAVE to hold a T, make sure it's a "docile" one and in a good mood. (I have seen even a Gram. rosea in a threat posture...) Don't just assume it's okay to hold it because it's supposed to be "docile." You live with these Ts, you know their moods, just be aware.


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
well, there are plenty of psychotic G rosea out there...just look in the 'Bites' forum LOL!
However, I would think the venom effects much less serious.
In your case Steve, I'd be doing some hard thinking about WHY you got bit twice in a very short time period, especially two OW, known to bite, tarantulas.
Obviously, your case is the exception, rather than the norm, so to any newbie reading this thread, please take note.
You would have to do something incredibly dumb TWICE IN A ROW for this to happen.
Perhaps leaving the hobby, or taking a good hard look at your T keeping is in order. I'm not trying to be mean, but it's definately worrisome.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by chuck
this is the first time ive ever seen people from this forum attack someone. its discouraging to the original person who posted and for those others who may have problems and now are too affraid to post b/c youll bash him/her
I see no one attacking anyone, I see people expressing proper skepticism and concern for the hobby at large. It's important to make sure that people aren't here crying wolf for attention. Last summer we had another one of these obvious young people claiming to have all sorts of Ts and then posting dramatic and glaring bite reports (anthony2461 or something very much like that). It didn't take much digging to show beyond any rational doubt the guy was completely full of it.

Is Steve full of it? I don't know, he seems to know a fair amount about spiders, but there is something very fishy about his stories and I am not about to take them at face value without better reason to. From my personal p.o.v. there are two possible explanations for this case, and neither are good.

The first is that he's lying for attention. It's simply not good because somebody might believe his stories and that gives the hobby a bad rep.

The second is that he's an accident waiting to happen who's been allowed to get too many Ts too fast that he's completley incapable of taking care of properly. If this is the case, I'm not going to hold Steve responsible for it personally, but I still hate to read about these sort of things because they show what is wrong with the hobby: people not taking it seriously and parents not taking responsibility for knowing what their kids are up to. If true, this is exactly the sort of fuel that will be used down the road to try and take these Ts away from all of us.
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