Tarantula 1.jpg

Tarantula 1.jpg

This is a lovely arachnid I encountered in a forested area near my home in northern Guatemala (near the Mexico border). It was about 3-4" long, my hand is actually about 3" above it so as not to alarm it. I know little about tarantulas, but do you think it could be a juvenile Mexican red rump?
This is a mature male, out looking for a female to mate with. It's hard to know exactly which species it is from photos alone, but given the location it could certainly be a Tliltocatl vagans (Mexican red rump). I would have expected a male T. vagans to be a little larger, but males are generally significantly smaller than females are and their size often varies amongst individuals within a certain species.

Here's a photo of another one for example:

Because of the size and location, the genus Acentropelma would be more appropriate than Tliltocatl.
lucky we got you mate, always helpful to have someone with actual scientific background taking an interest in helping out, at first glance i would have guessed T. vagans as well.
you are very active currently, and not only here, what changed?
This is a mature male, out looking for a female to mate with. It's hard to know exactly which species it is from photos alone, but given the location it could certainly be a Tliltocatl vagans (Mexican red rump). I would have expected a male T. vagans to be a little larger, but males are generally significantly smaller than females are and their size often varies amongst individuals within a certain species.

Here's a photo of another one for example:

Thank you! I didn't know they were so sexually dimorphic, that's crazy!
This is a mature male, out looking for a female to mate with. It's hard to know exactly which species it is from photos alone, but given the location it could certainly be a Tliltocatl vagans (Mexican red rump). I would have expected a male T. vagans to be a little larger, but males are generally significantly smaller than females are and their size often varies amongst individuals within a certain species.

Here's a photo of another one for example:

Thank you! I had no idea they were so sexually dimorphic!

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Tarantula Identification
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samsung SM-A217M
Focal length
4.6 mm
Exposure time
Tarantula 1.jpg
File size
2.7 MB
Date taken
Wed, 25 September 2024 5:02 PM
4000px x 3000px

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