

Another shot of "rainforest ornamental tarantula" at lps, owner only knows it's "a mean mother" , 4.5 - 5" dls.
You must be in the same town as me - I literally just saw this tarantula a few hours ago myself! 😂
Seems likely! Pet's playhouse? We snagged the exuvia and it appears to be male. Wasn't completely intact and was pretty wadded up, but an hour soak and careful toothpick work and no visible spermathacae.... We're probably passing on this one despite how desperate to sell he seemed...
Seems likely! Pet's playhouse? We snagged the exuvia and it appears to be male. Wasn't completely intact and was pretty wadded up, but an hour soak and careful toothpick work and no visible spermathacae.... We're probably passing on this one despite how desperate to sell he seemed...
Yup! I'm actually family friends with the owner Mike - I assure you he's well meaning and likely labeled the tarantula based on what it had been sold to the shop as. When I mentioned to him it was a species of Poecilotheria (looks like a regalis me but the contrast is very oddly muddy) he said he has no idea what that means. 😂 Pretty sure his wife actually is the one that deals with most of what comes in stock at the store.

His impatience to sell it might partially be my fault; I mentioned to him that he and his employees should be careful not to get bit or let anyone else get tagged by it. They had an employee get bit by a C. lividus in the past. 😬
Yup! I'm actually family friends with the owner Mike - I assure you he's well meaning and likely labeled the tarantula based on what it had been sold to the shop as. When I mentioned to him it was a species of Poecilotheria (looks like a regalis me but the contrast is very oddly muddy) he said he has no idea what that means. 😂 Pretty sure his wife actually is the one that deals with most of what comes in stock at the store.

His impatience to sell it might partially be my fault; I mentioned to him that he and his employees should be careful not to get bit or let anyone else get tagged by it. They had an employee get bit by a C. lividus in the past. 😬
Oh I'm a regular there myself (feeders and cat/dog treats/toys mostly) & I'm quite sure he means well, but it's also very apparent that he isn't comfortable with spiders in general and that one in particular. Between that and the "sunburst baboon spider" (which my son saw and says is an OBT), he's got a couple of interesting
Oh I'm a regular there myself (feeders and cat/dog treats/toys mostly) & I'm quite sure he means well, but it's also very apparent that he isn't comfortable with spiders in general and that one in particular. Between that and the "sunburst baboon spider" (which my son saw and says is an OBT), he's got a couple of interesting
Yeah, noticed that one too lol. Definitely a step up from the T. albo and A. seemani they usually have there. He's definitely not a fan of spiders, it's funny to see the look on his face when I talk about my collection.

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