Pretty little dotty, Ganon

Pretty little dotty, Ganon

Haploclastus devamatha 5th instar
Good shot! I know how difficult it is to get a decent picture of those stunners 👍
You have a male too?
Good shot! I know how difficult it is to get a decent picture of those stunners 👍
You have a male too?
Unsexed, thus far. I noticed she had grown a lot bigger so I got her out for a photo. Not very bolty, just very fast. She's made a big turret already since last night, when I took this.
I think it's a female. Male don't look like that, even when small. But maybe some more experienced with this species can confirm.

You can build a sloop with a premade burrow at the top and access to some dry leaves and moss. She will make a beautiful turret from that and be out more often. There's a video from a Polish breeder that show this for a few seconds. It will be a beautiful enclosure.
I think it's a female. Male don't look like that, even when small. But maybe some more experienced with this species can confirm.

You can build a sloop with a premade burrow at the top and access to some dry leaves and moss. She will make a beautiful turret from that and be out more often. There's a video from a Polish breeder that show this for a few seconds. It will be a beautiful enclosure.
She's about 2 1/2 inches, maybe 2. I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask what tiny males looked like?

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samsung SAMSUNG-SM-G900A
Focal length
4.8 mm
Exposure time
20210805_022645 (3).jpg
File size
1.7 MB
Date taken
Thu, 05 August 2021 2:26 AM
2987px x 3064px

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